Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] on " in BNC.

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1 At point B workers have been pushed off their labour supply function but employers remain on their labour demand function , albeit at a different point .
2 Rules change on pets likely
3 Rules change on Monday for disabled drivers using orange badge parking discs .
4 Paragraph three point seven describe in some detail with a figure of five hundred and fifty thousand pounds will become available in nine nineteen ninety three ninety four , when the rules change on the financing of structural maintenance on Principal Road , this sum would be enough to cover the two hundred and thirty thousand pound short that we mentioned previously has to cover the loan charges to sustain the same level of capital programme on schemes not aided by transport supplementary branch in nineteen ninety three four , as is currently being spent in this year .
5 Our large cases sit on a small side table at knee-level .
6 A stock index represents the market 's estimate of the present value of the subsequent cash flows expected from the constituent companies , while the current price of a futures contract on an index for delivery at time T represents the market 's estimate of the present value at time T of the subsequent cash flows .
7 An intercommodity spread between two index futures , where the shares in one index are a subset of the shares in the other index , represents a futures contract on the shares that are in one index but not the other .
8 B. Black obtains the result that E ( F t +l ; - F t ) = [ E ( R M ) - r ] β i , where β i = cov[ ( F t +l ; - F t ) , R M ] , while Duffie obtains E ( F T - F t ) = [ E ( E T ) - , where = Cov ( E T F T ) /Var ( E T ) , E T is aggregate terminal wealth and F t M is the price at time t of a futures contract on aggregate terminal wealth .
9 The settlement price ( or the exchange delivery settlement price , EDSP ) is the trading price ( per 100 nominal ) for the futures contract on the last day of trading .
10 On 26 June 1991 LIFFE launched a futures contract on the ISE 's new Eurotrack-100 Index .
11 In 1975 it launched the world 's first interest rate futures contract on Government National Mortgage Association ( GNMA ) mortgage backed certificates .
12 Near to this was a small pool designated by our guide as Lod an Suidhe [ Pool of the Sitting ] where the guga hunters sit on surrounding rocks to wash their feet after the day 's toil .
13 He is worried , however , that the team which won the East Championship so well could be broken up if Chelmsford insist on retaining all their players for friendly matches .
14 Left : All five of the brightly coloured villages in Disney 's Caribbean Beach Resort sit on the edge of a huge lake , with beautiful sandy white beaches .
15 But the Malayan barn owls concentrate on rats .
16 Special needs groups concentrate on the disabled .
17 Some physiologists insist on making a distinction between temperature regulation and heat production .
18 US troops in Panama remain on the highest state of alert .
19 As you approach your selected wave concentrate on getting up as much speed as possible and unhook from your harness .
20 Writings of this kind concentrate on presenting a visual image or impression of a person , idea or event .
21 It 's not obvious a priori whether all or any pair of these projects converge on a single set of structures .
22 The two Yorkshire Puddings sit on his lap looking at the world through angel hair matted with dried spit .
23 Firstly , individual trade unions raise the real wages of their members at the expense of non-unionised workers — in practice wages obtained by collective bargaining tend on average to be about 20 per cent higher than other wages .
24 Some employers sponsor students by paying fees and maintenance ; there is widespread employer involvement in various forms of sandwich courses and work placements including , in some cases , co-operation in student assessment ; there are endowed chairs at universities and polytechnics ; there are sponsored courses sometimes with a single client as customer for the whole student cohort ; employers sit on various boards and committees concerned with activities from course unit level to governing body ; employers use academics as consultants and engage academic departments to do research for them ; there are sponsored research and collaborative projects ; and curriculum material is available at all levels — usually for free — from industrial and commercial bodies .
25 The fairies sit on the motes and rest in the sunlight . ’
26 If the pillars are really in the proper places , there is not a stone on the site long enough to act as a lintel , and to provide a basis for the stone-built superstructures which at present sit on Evans ' concrete and iron supports .
27 I remain convinced that only lesbians and divorcees insist on being addressed in this manner .
28 Most local authorities insist on separate systems to reduce the volume intake at sewage works , since rainwater can be discharged into the nearest watercourse without treatment .
29 At least outwardly then , Soviet authorities insist on a linkage between Socialism and stability , and deny any tension between them .
30 Proviso 3 is intended to apply to situations where Local Authorities insist on work being carried out on parts of the property not even damaged , as can occur in the case of listed buildings .
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