Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 Before that , tin extraction followed either from metal ‘ streaming ’ — collecting tin deposits from rivers , the flow of the water doing a reasonable job in separating the heavy tin particles from the soil — or from shovelling up the ore from lodes exposed to the surface .
2 The plans referred to are short-term plans for periods of from one week to one month .
3 It is sometimes difficult to make the decision referred to in ( i ) .
4 The new issue market is not a distinct and separate organization within the Stock Exchange , rather it is merely a tag given to the collection of processes by which companies acquire both a listing on the exchange and new equity capital .
5 This gives an IR spectrum containing absorptions belonging to methane , ethane , ethylene and three new peaks assigned to the methyl radical .
6 The codes used are summarised in Fig 11.13 ; internal in this instance referred to any activity within the EPH system model , and external to those of the wider system of interest or surrounding environment , eg the Department headquarters , Area Offices etc .
7 ( ROS goes upstage : Ideally a sort of upper deck joined to the downstage lower deck by short steps .
8 These students , like Fang himself , were part of the technocratic elite referred to earlier , but their better prospects and opportunities apparently failed to compensate for other sources of discontent .
9 The presidents agreed on a number of points relating to the 10-year-old civil war in El Salvador and the sanctuary given to Nicaraguan contra rebels in Honduras .
10 He was living with his third wife , the ice goddess Veronica , in an LA mansion , surrounded by the gifts of a lifetime — a six-foot , hand-carved tiger given to him by Deng Xiaoping , a robe given to him by Elvis Presley .
11 China also ‘ could not tolerate ’ the award given to the Dalai Lama in Paris , and ‘ condemned ’ France for permitting the exiled democracy campaigner , Yan Jiaqi , to ‘ conduct activities against the Chinese Government ’ .
12 China also ‘ could not tolerate ’ the award given to the Dalai Lama in Paris , and ‘ condemned ’ France for permitting the exiled democracy campaigner , Yan Jiaqi , to ‘ conduct activities against the Chinese Government ’ .
13 President , colleagues , I am so proud and honoured to receive this gold badge , more so because this is the award given to me by you President , I do want to thank a number of people I also want to thank the regional secretary , Steve , who thank you , Steven , for your support and guidance .
14 There is no automatic award given to its .
15 In Spain , we took Hal Hambra from a loss to a profit and the award of the Albanta Prize by the Spanish government and this is an award given to the best new text book in , in the Spanish educational system each year .
16 ON December 14 TODAY warned of the threat posed to women by the dangerously short sentence given to the multiple rapist Dr Thomas Courtney .
17 The four-month jail sentence given to Christopher Hart for mowing down nine-year-old Sharon Townsend was a disgrace .
18 OF course TODAY is pleased that the Attorney General is now looking into the sentence given to Dr Thomas Courtney , the multiple rapist .
19 On May 16 the Appeal Court halved the five-year prison sentence given to former Guinness chairman Ernest Saunders in August 1990 for " massive fraud " in connection with the Distillers Company takeover bid [ see p. 37662 ] .
20 THE family of the young Donegal woman dismembered by a 19-year-old man today slammed the three year prison sentence given to the killer .
21 THE Attorney General is to review the three year sentence given to a killer who strangled and dismembered a Co Donegal woman .
22 THE Attorney General is to review the three year sentence given to a killer who strangled and dismembered a Co Donegal woman .
23 THE ABSURDLY lenient sentence given to Frederic Blancke , the French hospital worker who brutally murdered British school teacher Fiona Jones , is a travesty of justice .
24 A NURSE who had to learn to walk again after his neck was broken has hit out at the prison sentence given to his attacker .
25 Both words were used to push the Morrissey vision of men 's liberation ; not , as it may sound , a freedom given to the Penthouse reading hordes but a glimpse of Morrissey 's ideal world where gender barriers are entirely dispensed with .
26 It has been argued that corporate efficiency in privatised industries has improved , not just by an exposure to market forces and an acceptance of the profit motive , but by the extra freedom given to managers .
27 Among the most beautiful are the ‘ Morgenlied ’ ( track 3 ) and the autumn song , Phoebus hunting with his horses ; the freedom given to the three vocal parts is a conspicuous feature of the latter .
28 Hope retraced his steps and came up alongside a Mr Crump whose mind had been cleared and relaxed by the stimulating freedom given to his prejudices : his expression was no longer that of the tentative , diffident social and artistic explorer : he was a hard man in his office dealing with a captain whose cargo did not comply with his list of instructions .
29 With the wide coverage and freedom given to pupils to develop their own individual lines of inquiry , the identification of a large an detailed collection of keywords was one of the major tasks at the design stage .
30 An optimum path can be selected and other activities adjusted to phase in with those on this ‘ critical path ’ .
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