Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 His coat and waistcoat swiftly followed it and his fingers ripped away the neckcloth about his throat , heedless of the ruin they effected .
2 Impromptu discussion groups formed whenever a man sat outside his house .
3 A study done by Edwin Colbert and his colleagues showed that a tiny 50 gramme ( 1.76 oz ) alligator heated up 1 °C every minute and a half from the Sun , while a large alligator some 260 times bigger took seven and a half minutes .
4 ‘ One coin given away with every four gallons of petrol .
5 According to the values listed above for the product of the reaction in our example for case 2 should be NiO(s) and not CO(g) .
6 For example , the samples of handwriting given above are written cursively ( or ‘ joined-up ’ ) .
7 The most important galleries situated here are the Royal Hibernian Gallagher Academy and the John Taylor Gallery .
8 Moscow sets terms for unity debate Following are extracts from an address to members of the European Parliament given yesterday by the Soviet Foreign Minister , Mr Eduard Shevardnadze .
9 The citing of these two varieties will illustrate the basic characteristics of the cheeses of this type — uncut curds treated very gently and never pressed , the whey being allowed to drain naturally .
10 So what happens with any acid and any metal with a mes a metal and an acid you 're going to get a salt and hydrogen given off .
11 ‘ Then how come when we pulled her from her suit I found a folder full of Alex Bannen 's notes stashed away inside the sleeve ? ’
12 By this time the festival of Christmas had arrived , and both papal and royal courts joined together to celebrate in St Peter 's basilica .
13 However , in 1239 the city succumbed to Tartar invasion and much of the Byzantine architecture was destroyed while church building developed further in areas which suffered less from barbarian attacks .
14 For the TB given here , .
15 The background tells more than the people or the happenings : the water-sprinkler on the lawn ; the hateful birds with their ‘ strident and spiteful noises ’ and ‘ those banal exchanges from tree to tree , mockings and bickerings and sudden solo trillings ’ ; the cook with a napkin fastened round her head as if it were a Stilton cheese … .
16 But , as Tylor noticed , while some cultures prescribed very strong avoidance behaviour between sons and parents-in-law , others were more concerned to keep daughters and parents-in-law from each others ' throats .
17 In accordance with the main theme of this book the accounts given here are drawn from the school sector ( primary and secondary ) and concentrate on activities that were conducted at the level of the whole institution ( although , in practice , the whole of the school may not have become involved ) .
18 It seems to me that Bethe ( writing in 1954 ) did not give due credit to Ulam for switching ideas onto an entirely new track ; judging from accounts given elsewhere ( eg The Advisors , H. F. York , San Francisco , 1976 ) Ulam rather than Teller should be called ‘ The Father of the H-Bomb ’ .
19 The example sentence given above would be divided into feet as follows :
20 So she 's had summer holiday plans fallen through .
21 I think he 's going to the dentist or something , and he 's a bit frightened so he thinks , he thinks of that .
22 The tailgate of this lorry was cut away and two 4ft long barbed prongs welded on to it .
23 a record of the activities undertaken along with any results and conclusions ;
24 Sporting endeavours have been a major feature of the activities undertaken so far ( see Update ) .
25 Planning activities undertaken centrally
26 His long-suffering wife Elsie knew that her man had a mistress tucked away somewhere .
27 He opened the back of the watch case , and Bathsheba , who happened to be looking , saw that there was a curl of hair hidden inside .
28 Charles Brown , professor of microbiology at Heriot-Watt University received about £30 000 from Speywood last year to develop a method of producing protein A continuously .
29 Now , would n't necessarily suggesting that the existing settlement would have to sustain all of the addition given only what it 's got at the moment .
30 Her features were well-shaped even so early , and the jaw placed finely on the white neck with its blue flush of springing hair .
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