Example sentences of "[noun] [be] first " in BNC.

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1 In the wild their seed capsules are first frozen and them buried under snow until the Spring kicks them into life .
2 The ribbons are first seen when Lise ties them to a nail on the wall .
3 Civil cases are first heard either in county courts by Circuit judges ( of whom there are some 430 ) ; or in the High Court by judges of the High Court ( of whom there are over eighty ) .
4 More serious criminal cases are first enquired into by magistrates ' courts to see if there is sufficient evidence for the case to go further .
5 Although products are first class , they are expensive .
6 Its distinguishing characteristics are first the view that a class is partly constituted by the perceptions of its members , and second the belief , held either tacitly or openly , that the passage of history is marked by the growth of class consciousness , until a point in the future when an enlightened proletariat will be able to grasp its real interests and make its own history .
7 I 'm just you 're just making me think actually because I saw in one of the papers this morning erm a headline , if I can find it , it said something to the effect that — yes here it is , in the Independent , it says ‘ TV soaps are first to survive rescheduling ’ and it goes on to tell us that the British television schedules as we all know were the first casualties of war in the Gulf except for the nation 's daily diet of Australian soap .
8 The recently formed English Amateur Billiards Association are first in the field with details of the National Championships .
9 Input signals are first coupled to the volume control VR1 via the d.c. blocking capacitor C1 .
10 Streamline Graded Readers are first and foremost ‘ a good read ’ .
11 Thus the reasons put forward for the present rule are first , that it preserves the constitutional proprieties leaving Parliament to legislate in words and the courts ( not Parliamentary speakers ) , to construe the meaning of the words finally enacted ; second , the practical difficulty of the expense of researching Parliamentary material which would arise if the material could be looked at ; third , the need for the citizen to have access to a known defined text which regulates his legal rights ; fourth , the improbability of finding helpful guidance from Hansard .
12 Ellis and Shepherd ( 1974 ) first drew attention to this but a number of experiments by Young and his colleagues have failed to show any influence of age of acquisition of words on dichotic listening ( Young and Ellis , 1980 ) or tachistoscopic hemifield asymmetry ( Ellis and Young , 1977 ; Young and Bion , 1980b ) even when it is the age at which words are first read rather than heard that is under investigation ( Young , Bion and Ellis , 1982 ) .
13 Words are first matched against the input on the basis of their syllable structure .
14 Most clients are first time offenders who are ignorant of their rights and the process through which they are being put ( Thomas and Smith 1978 ) .
15 A number of general theories which have been used to account for such relationships are first described and evidence bearing on them is discussed .
16 One example occurs when the terms locution and illocutionary force are first used ( p.12 ) .
17 In the bottom-up approach the paragraphs are first collected , and the semantic net is built as the paragraphs are indexed .
18 Although Micah 's words were first heard thousands of years ago , you can find them today inscribed on a very modern building :
19 The broad economic aspects were first discussed , including balance of payments and the United Kingdom 's share of international trade .
20 Another principal suggestion is that these relatively simple compounds were first held ( ‘ adsorbed ’ ) on the surface of clays , which then acted as catalysts , and caused them to react together .
21 The three major steps were first , the nationalizations which followed the Arusha Declaration in 1967 ; second , the takeover by government of the wholesale distribution system ( largely Indian-owned ) in 1971 ; and thirdly , the compulsory villagization programme of 1974–8 , affecting the physical location of the homes of at least 5 million people .
22 Metal concentrations were first measured in the endoscopy cleaning fluids , namely the detergent ( Teepol MB7 , Teepol Products ) and the disinfectant ( 2% glutaraldehyde solution , Totacide 28 , Coventry Chemicals Ltd ) .
23 When computers were first introduced in schools , they were the preserve of the maths or science departments or of special computer studies courses .
24 Many features of these languages which derive from the historical accident that computers were first used mainly for manipulating numbers .
25 The 12,000 investors whose right to deal in the units were further suspended this week until February 5 did not hear from the managers until two weeks after the funds were first suspended on November 6 .
26 The 12,000 investors whose right to deal in the units were further suspended this week until February 5 did not hear from the managers until two weeks after the funds were first suspended on November 6 .
27 Early signs of recovery from recession in the United States were first evident in a 12.4% increase in sales of light-duty trucks and vans , to which autocatalysts are also fitted .
28 The situation is similar to that for neutron decay , the reaction for which theories of the weak force were first developed .
29 Radiolabelled DNA fragments were first preincubated for 5 min at 37°C in the presence or absence of NCp7 or one of the mutants in buffer containing 30 mM Tris-Cl ( pH 7.5 ) , 60 mM NaCl and 0.2 mM MgCl 2 .
30 The interactions between NCp7 and DNA fragments were first probed by UV crosslinking analysis .
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