Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] come " in BNC.

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1 This may not strike some of you as unusual but in my area silver coins rarely come from the ground in their natural colour ; they are usually black or slightly grey .
2 Finally , Portes suggests that in the struggle , the groups rarely come into direct confrontation with the dominant class , but usually with members of the bureaucratic-technical class who staff the agencies of the state ( Portes 1985 ) .
3 Good exam technique only comes with practice .
4 Maxim was about to explain when the lieutenant obviously came to a snap judgment on his military value and slammed out again .
5 They complained that they could not get loans from LEDU and if they did , the money only came after long delays .
6 His progress only came to a halt when he had the misfortune to swop punches with one of the many irrepressible Cubans , the eventual gold medal winner .
7 His progress only came to a halt when he had the misfortune to swop punches with one of the many irrepressible Cubans , the eventual gold medal winner .
8 All these activities suddenly came to an end when Chiang Kai-shek broke with the Communists after the USSR had tried to take over the KMT .
9 While it is true that the terms of the debate are often unclear , and while confusing signs constantly come even from the Euro-enthusiasts ( such as when the French Foreign Minister called for ‘ une fédération d'Etats souverains ’ the overwhelming evidence indicates that the prime movers in European union mean business .
10 But mistaken loan decisions or pricing policies swiftly come home to roost in an organisation with a balance sheet of only a few hundred million .
11 till we got to near the den and do that and we spent er a year and a half there and all the time we were watching this house being built , because I was working at the Corporation and the number of people of the Corporation from the tea boy cadet down came up to see this , this and that , was nobody 's business , mm , without , we enjoyed it , it was quite funny really it is
12 It was now that the assurances of 1918 that the pact would be for one election only came home to roost ; wanting to be ready in plenty of time , many local parties were by 1921 selecting candidates who would oppose sitting Coalition Liberals .
13 Marcus has been kind enough to come here .
14 The split apparently came after the fiery-tempered pair had a row about Tatum wanting to go back to acting — leaving McEnroe to look after the children while she makes movies .
15 At one point , I had the head of the local NCT , my midwife , my health visitor and my GP all coming over regularly .
16 These beliefs , attitudes and values obviously come about as a result of the pressures stemming from material , economic , political and other forces , but , once they are in existence , they exert an influence of their own on people 's behaviour .
17 Before I landed Brookside I was washing up in a wine bar so the experience obviously came in handy for playing Chrissie . ’
18 ( The General Next to God , Collins ) Many of his far-reaching proposals only came to fruition during the social reforms after the Second World War .
19 Right if you have problems er before you leave or when you 're advising afterwards I 'll be here throughout vacation and before your exams so come along and you go through
20 But Ven , she discovered , was not prepared to let her off the hook , and , ‘ Why … ’ he began to challenge , ‘ … when you 're honest , I know it , yet have begun on a path of deception to one particular end — why , when it 's so important to your sister whom — you love … ’ an alert look suddenly came to his eyes , and he broke off for a brief moment before continuing , his serious dark eyes holding hers ‘ … a sister whom you 'd do anything for , as you proved when you left England and came here — why are you ready to leave now , without another thought ? ’
21 ‘ He hesitated , a cunning look suddenly coming into his eyes .
22 Sheila only came to two more group meetings .
23 Her case only came to light because the Health Authority meeting were mistakenly sent to the media .
24 ‘ Do you know that in the mythology of Earth the concept of freedom only came into existence after male and female ate of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil .
25 ‘ The cause of action for negligence only comes into existence when the damage is suffered .
26 The cause of action for negligence only comes into existence when the damage is suffered .
27 I 'm afraid I only have five minutes so come in and we 'll have to go through this very quickly . ’
28 In a disputed property case , because the Class F effectively comes to an end on the issue of the decree absolute protective steps mentioned in the next section should be taken .
29 And given the extensive fear of denunciation for critical or defeatist comment , it is hardly surprising that negative remarks about the speeches rarely came to light .
30 Sartre took four years to respond , and when the reply eventually came even his most sympathetic admirers agreed that it did not succeed in answering the main criticisms .
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