Example sentences of "[art] closest " in BNC.

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1 The museum is also the place where the closest consideration can be given to the troublesome problems of fakes and other forms of inauthenticity .
2 The closest he came to exercise was to open one eye every so often , if someone entered the room , or to open both eyes , smile , and wag his tail as he 'd done on one occasion when confronted by a housebreaker !
3 Universities attract this kind of attitude , as , to some extent , does the campus novel , a brand of fiction which is probably the closest English departments have previously come to industrial production .
4 The closest comparison with another polymath in our time that , in spite of personal and other differences , comes to mind is with Arnold Toynbee .
5 It is a widely held prejudice that the closest boxing gets to Art is that the guy who holds the towels at ringside might just be called that .
6 PRESIDENT F W de Klerk last night announced the unconditional release of eight prominent political prisoners , notably Walter Sisulu , 77 , former secretary-general of the African National Congress and the closest political associate and oldest friend of Nelson Mandela , with whom he was jailed for life in 1964 .
7 The closest match of the first round was between Essex Wanderers and Vauxhall Golds with Vauxhall finally clinching a 36-35 victory .
8 AN OBJECT lesson for all those who bemoan the artistic indifference of government , last night 's Omnibus ( BBC 1 ) looked at a political leader who took the closest interest in art , a mediocre and embittered water-colourist who eventually turned to another medium — mass emotion and warfare .
9 With a membership at the end of 1990 of 103,000 , there exist the closest family ties between those who have served in the RAF and those who serve today .
10 But according to observers , the Congress estimate could be optimistic — not wildly so , but enough to tip the balance in what may be the closest Indian election .
11 The monkey virus is the closest animal counterpart of HIV .
12 It was the closest of calls , and what the book enthrallingly brings out is how much it all depended on this handful of enthusiasts to preserve an enclave unique in London .
13 They have also the closest links with the equivalent staffs in the Pentagon , and in Western European and major Commonwealth capitals , particularly Bonn , Paris , Rome , Canberra and Ottawa .
14 The franciscana may be the closest living relative of the baiji .
15 He also favoured the closest possible ties between those who were taxed and those who were doing the taxing .
16 Honda in Ohio may be the closest , with its wider model range and higher output , though the company 's progress in Europe is slow .
17 A third candidate , Vadim Bakatin , is the closest of the three to Mikhail Gorbachev .
18 America is the closest thing to a financial laboratory for these sorts of questions , so it is there that most of the answers should be sought .
19 The closest sorts of group are called keiretsu , and have familiar names like Mitsui , Mitsubishi , Sumitomo and so on .
20 Fitt was the closest thing to a socialist in the party .
21 The farthest phrases , and the closest calls ,
22 Even as the people run away in terror , the fire of God 's anger , which destroyed parts of the camp in Numbers 11 , now consumes the 250 men who had been the closest supporters of Korah in his bid for power .
23 The relationship between husband and wife is seen as the closest one can get to God ; the love that a man and woman feel for each other is the highest form of spirituality .
24 ‘ The cinema is the closest that people get to an experience of the surreal .
25 All in all , he was the closest thing the OUP had to a DUP man .
26 Even Sir John Stokes , the bristle-brushed old gent for whom ‘ the twentieth century has been a mistake ’ , sat in the Commons representing the Birmingham dormitories of Halesowen and Stourbridge , where the closest most of his supporters had come to a foxhunt was a roadside cocktail lounge called the Whip and Saddle .
27 Horses certainly do n't instinctively like being patted : a pat is the closest gesture we can make to a kick .
28 I used to think : These are the deepest feelings I shall ever experience ; this is the closest we shall ever approach .
29 It sounds like a typical design-by-committee product , but to the general relief the closest boat to this , the anodyne German Teeny , did not make it past Dover .
30 It is also quite possible to grow several exotic-looking annuals from direct ground sowings ; the trumpet-like salpiglossis , so ornately marked , the schizanthus usually seen as an early summer pot plant and zinnias , the closest thing you can get to those expensive gerberas .
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