Example sentences of "[noun] dependent " in BNC.

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1 The additional presence of cAMP dependent Cl - channels and Ca 2 + dependent K + channels in this gastric cell line may provide an opportunity to study possible interactions between these two types of channel in response to a variety of acid secretory agonists .
2 The pulsation period will be of order I " , but clearly parameter dependent .
3 A loathing dependent .
4 Although Mr. Philipson demurred when the suggestion was put to him , it is palpably clear that his submission amounts to a direct challenge to Mr. Barnes ' affidavit , which contains the clearest possible evidence that the Bank of England did indeed require these documents for the purposes of its own supervisory functions ; this will of course involve collaboration and co-ordination with the Federal Reserve Board 's supervision , on which , as he states expressly in paragraph 13(b) , the Bank of England is in part dependent .
5 Information about shape and size will of course be to some extent writer dependent .
6 The effectiveness of a measure of word length is very writer dependent , and alternative methods of calculating this figure more accurately and consistently need to be evaluated .
7 Again the usefulness of the zonal information tends to very writer dependent , as some writers are very ‘ mid zone ’ .
8 Pattern recognition techniques that have most often been applied to script include spatial analysis methods ( where strokes are coded by a numbering system on a grid ) which are easy to implement but are only suitable for unconnected characters , and will be user dependent in order to keep the database of character codings small and accuracy high .
9 The activity of the calcium dependent NO synthase was found from the difference between the 1 4 C-citrulline produced from control samples and samples containing 1 mM ethylene glycol tetra-acetic acid ( EGTA ) ; the activity of the calcium independent enzyme was determined from the difference between samples containing 1mM EGTA and samples containing 1 mM EGTA and 1 mM L-NAME .
10 Considerable activity of calcium dependent NO synthase was detected in whole homogenates from guines pig gall bladder ( 7.9 ( 1.5 ) pmol/h/ mg of protein ) , indicating the presence of constitutive NO synthase in normal gall bladder tissue .
11 Data presented here indicate that ( a ) resting gall bladder pressure and contractions induced by both CCK-8 and bethanechol are enhanced by inhibition of the NO synthase ( shown by our in vivo and in vitro experiments ) ; ( b ) these effects are specifically reversed by the NO synthase substrate L-arginine ; ( c ) sodium nitroprusside , an exogenous donor of NO , counteracts the effect of CCK-8 on gall bladder pressure ; and ( d ) a constitutive calcium dependent NO synthase can be detected in normal gall bladder tissue .
12 Erm so if you 're getting another job obviously , you 've got to think that you may not need as much income , er if you 're taking the early retirement well obviously you may be more income dependent , and do a personal budget , going back to that pro forma , if you spend a bit of time doing a budget , you will find it beneficial .
13 He came to Henley from Datchet and was schooled in course maintenance dependent significantly on chemical technology and machines , although a ‘ green fingers ’ instinct and physical strength are still important .
14 Their penultimate sentence both betrays their misunderstanding and contains ( inadvertently ? ) the essence of the problem : the phenomena of interest are concentration dependent — inter alia — and therefore correlated with the construct ‘ ionic strength ’ , which is a function of concentration .
15 A number of distinct bands were recognised , and binding to some of these ( 110 kDa , 45 kDa ) was salt concentration dependent .
16 As Z is normally concentration dependent , the value at is obtained by plotting against c .
17 The second report suggests that the autoimmune damage to islet cells responsible for type I ( insulin dependent ) diabetes may also have a nutritional basis which operates early in life — but a totally different one .
18 Two decades later , after the clearer recognition of the distinction between insulin dependent and non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus , Neel modified his hypothesis so that it related specifically to non-insulin dependent diabetes .
19 The mean random haemoglobin A 1 values within treatment groups were lower , but not significantly so , in the general practice patients ( insulin dependent 10.2% v 11.2% , p=0.15 ; oral hypo-glycaemics 10.6% v 1.2% , p=0.17 ; diet alone 9.1% v 9.9% , p=0.18 ) .
20 Twenty six diabetic patients , of whom 22 were insulin dependent and four non-insulin-dependent ( Table I ) , were studied .
21 Acarbose is a pseudotetrascaccharide and has been used in clinical trials with insulin dependent and non-insulin dependent diabetes to control hyperglycaemia , improve the diabetic metabolic condition , and , if possible , to reduce the insulin requirements .
22 Another Pacific anachronism associated with birds is the tree Pisonia grandis ( Nyctaginaceae ) , found from Madagascar to Polynesia , but on Niue Island is in decline as it is guano dependent and sea birds are decreasing in numbers there .
23 Open probability increased almost fivefold during depolarisation of the membrane from -80 mV to -20 mV , showing that the channels were voltage dependent across the voltage range normally encountered within epithelial cells .
24 The design process is regulated by these mechanisms ; both very manpower dependent .
25 By matching resources to the child 's needs they become self evaluating , since , if they do meet the child 's needs , they will enable the child to become an independent learner and not teacher dependent .
26 to institute a searching examination by a competent authority of every child in every school to which grants are to be paid with the view of ascertaining whether these indispensable elements of knowledge are thoroughly acquired and to make the prospects and position of the teacher dependent , to a considerable extent , on the results of this examination .
27 However , this also applies for a retired wife supporting a husband dependent by reason of invalidity .
28 Kuhn 's own account of science entails that what is to count as a problem is paradigm or community dependent .
29 Their liver damage is usually mild , dose dependent , and reversible when the drug is stopped .
30 Intravenous infusion of graded doses of cholecystokinin 8 induced a dose dependent and significant decrease in gall bladder volume in both groups of patients .
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