Example sentences of "down [prep] the [noun] floor [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He said that his men were held back by the heat of the fire , which stripped plaster from the walls , burnt floorboards and brought ceilings crashing down onto the ground floor of the semidetached house .
2 " The new Queen can go whistle up her kilter , " muttered Harry , and setting his leather tankard down on the earth floor beside the grate , stroke out of the front kitchen and into the foggy night .
3 The thief then bound his feet , wrists and mouth with tape and left him face down on the office floor before making off with the money in Barry 's car .
4 I went down to the studio floor from the control room and Michael was very upset at having-to do it again .
5 I cough again looking down at the tile floor of the room .
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