Example sentences of "should [be] left [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They should be left to the knowledge workers who , we would hope , understand the full potential value of the information being transmitted to the executives who will make use of that information .
2 No one suggests he should be left to the mercy of mad killers , but if he 's really on the run he should be sheltering in some safe house , not bopping around town .
3 Ideally the support of the bereaved should be a team effort , and the choice of captain of that team should be left to the widow herself , for she will need one special person to whom she can turn with confidence in any circumstance .
4 So I think it should be left to the individual
5 The last straw was when a totally serious Westite Unionist remarked that , as it was a shooting matter , he recommended that it should be left to the army to investigate as it had a lot of experience of shootings of one kind and another .
6 The procedure to be adopted should be left to the discretion of the person conducting the reference .
7 It also rejected the Crown 's argument that the issue of consent should be left to the jury — in the same way as the question of dishonesty is left to them in theft cases — but its actual decision comes fairly close to this position .
8 It suggested that submission obtained by threats other than of violence might suffice for rape and held that it should be left to the jury , with adequate direction from the judge , to make up its mind whether or not on the facts of each case the woman had truly consented .
9 But foxhunters say it should be left to the council 's tenant farmers to decide .
10 Adolescence is a period of progressive transition from childhood to adulthood and as experience of life is acquired and intelligence and understanding grow , so will the scope of the decision-making which should be left to the minor , for it is only by making decisions and experiencing the consequences that decision-making skills will be acquired .
11 Jiang responded by saying that in 1978 , Deng Xiaoping , then Vice-Premier , said that resolving this issue should be left to the wisdom of future generations .
12 Politics , like sex education , is something that should be left to the family . ’
13 The ANC argued that the decision should be left to the constituent assembly itself , which is expected to be elected by the middle of next year by universal franchise .
14 Some obstetricians argue that the choice of method should be left to the woman .
15 As much as possible , therefore , should be left to the market .
16 The law was simple to state and was in accordance with Brutus v Cozens [ 1973 ] AC 854 , where the House of Lords held that ordinary English words such as " insulting " should be left for the jury .
17 The UK had maintained that rates should be left for the market to decide , and had demanded the indefinite maintenance of discretionary zero rating for sensitive items ( the Commission 's position being that zero rating would be tolerated only for a limited period ) .
18 It gave the clients confidence in my abilities , and also told them any hopes they may have had of getting away with a fifty dollar fee should be left with the receptionist .
19 Paper should be left on the floor and the puppy encouraged to defaecate on it .
20 He believed " the dirt of the pit should be left at the pit " .
21 Sufficient surplus should be left at the top to allow an anchorage with stones or paving slabs and , when an irregular-shaped pool is envisaged , then calculations should be based upon a rectangle which encloses the greatest width and greatest length of the excavation .
22 Space should be left at the end of pipe runs for slight expansion .
23 I detest Alvaro Delgado-Gal , who advocates the return of the painting to France , believing that ‘ the glorious dead should be left in the graveyard where they chose to rest ’ ; Juan Pedro Aparicio , who suggests carrying ‘ Guernica ’ in procession all around Spain in a high speed train ; the old anarchist Carlos Semprón Maura , who protests at the Reina Sofía 's injection of morphine into ‘ Guernica ’ to prolong its deep coma ; Joan Barril , for whom the dilemma posed by moving ‘ Guernica ’ from the shrine of the Buen Retiro to an apartment with freezer in the ‘ Sofidou ’ could be resolved simply by sending it to Sarajevo , Bangkok or Lima , places where its political message would be more relevant .
24 In an exceptionally dry year ( when straw is already dried out at mowing time ) the corn may be carted without stooking , but normally it should be left in the field for a week or more for the straw to dry and the grain to harden .
25 They should be left in the wild .
26 Beginning at 10.30am , there 'll be all the usual stalls , and if anyone would like to donate items they should be left in the church halls before Friday evening .
27 When the seeds drop off from the flowering spike , they should be left in the tank to float for a few days .
28 If not , it should be left in the oven for another hour and then be checked again .
29 For days I 've been telling Caliban that I do n't see why D and M and everyone else should be left in the dark about whether I still exist .
30 When preparing to sail the board should be left by the edge of the water and the rig should be put in the water first .
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