Example sentences of "may [be] attribute to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The presence of wings is one of the most characteristic features of insects , and their dominance may be attributed to the possession of these organs .
2 The desacralization of nature that has taken place in the West may be attributed to the influence of Christianity .
3 They characterise the management of secondary schools as having a number of features — many of which may be attributed to the absence of effective staff management policies .
4 This may be attributed to the fact that the city 's traders were not swamped by the growth of the larger British companies during the colonial period , that among the merchant families involved in the kola nut trade , two generations were common , and that merchant families in Kano were particularly successful from the early 1960s at forming links with overseas companies , not least with those from the Far East .
5 However , results of at least one analysis of these statistics suggests that this association of father 's occupation with early childhood mortality may be attributed to the fact that his occupation is an indicator of household economic circumstances .
6 This may be attributed to the fact that Sam has co-written and produced this album , a standard which many women artist seem to be setting .
7 These improvements may be attributed to the adjustments , described in Chapter 6 , which BRAC had made to its standard lobon-gur message as a result of the 1984 observations .
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