Example sentences of "more closely [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Another approach which was more closely connected with general education in schools than with vocational training and employment training came from the Audit Commission ( 1989 ) .
2 Alternatively , changes to p53 and DCC may be much more closely related to malignant behaviour than c-ki-ras or c-myc activation .
3 Obviously mean sea level has little to do with the height of the nip , which is more closely related to high tide level , but high tide level is in itself a variable level .
4 ( Related to that view is the naive assumption of certain sociobiologists that sociobiology should expect to be more closely related to social anthropology than to other social sciences , because the ‘ primitive ’ peoples studied by social anthropology are nearer to nature than human beings who live in large industrialized societies . )
5 The French system , though still rather broad-brush in its approach because each individual Commune is usually allocated entirely to a zone , is more closely related to natural handicap than the UK system .
6 for instance , residential care in Flanders and the Netherlands seems more closely tied to psychological assessment of children and to a diagnosis/treatment approach than in the United Kingdom — at least for social services cases .
7 It was compatible also in that its procedures were much more closely aligned to historical scholarship than to critical evaluation , while at the same time enabling engagement in detailed analyses of literary language .
8 One way in which this has been achieved is by devising larger units for education in which physical geography is more closely allied with other earth and environmental sciences as noted by Clayton ( 1980a ) .
9 Top managers tend to be more closely identified with corporate policy than lower level representatives .
10 The economic difficulties of older people are probably a far stronger cause of demoralization than other factors more closely associated with elderly morale , such as illness and pain .
11 These housing criteria are far more closely associated with social class than the official housing density standards .
12 If a narrower interpretation of accountability is adopted , one more closely associated with contractual accountability , then the case for considering the relationship between evaluation and professional development , as a separate issue , is strengthened .
13 Until well into the reign of Augustus the display of Greek art in Rome was more closely linked to political advancement and military might than to religious belief and aesthetic appreciation .
14 Consequently , in its origins Greek historiography was more closely affiliated to epic poetry than to philosophy , and in its development it retained a commemorative function .
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