Example sentences of "more easily [verb] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Often an erection is more easily maintained in the morning , and since there may well be no reason to get up early , both of you can enjoy the luxury of making love then .
2 Therefore the point of this section is only to draw attention to some aspects of intellectual and administrative change that can be more easily observed in a discussion on sources than in a more general context .
3 Accommodation is a significant driving factor in the process of new dialect formation as described by Trudgill ( 1986 ) , but it is more easily studied at the level of individuals who adjust their language behaviour given a particular set of circumstances .
4 Cardinal Lercaro , one of the moderators , stressed the need for greater speed on the part of the commissions , reminding them — an indirect but clear reference to the Theological Commission — that it was not their task to decide disputed issues by presenting for discussion one straightforward text , but to evaluate and organize amendments so that they could be more easily decided in the Council Hall .
5 Iron is more easily absorbed into the body if mixed with vitamin C ; have an orange with your meal , for example .
6 Because the Philippines were being constantly invaded , the islanders , known as Moros , retreated to the jungle and waged a continual guerrilla war against the enemy , abandoning their escrima sticks in favour of short , razor-sharp daggers which could be more easily wielded in the jungle 's dense foliage .
7 Some senior party figures believe that theme itself represents a strategic political withdrawal to ground that can be more easily defended in the face of Labour 's onslaught .
8 Today , jury trials are out of fashion , because censorship of the media is more easily achieved by an injunction , granted by a judge sitting in secret , or by a directive from a regulatory body like the Independent Broadcasting Authority , or by the decision of a magistrates ' court .
9 Yesterday , Mr Pignatelli reported that Mr McNeill said he had oversimplified ‘ the very complex matter of possible factors affecting the occurrence of handicap ’ to make it more easily understood by the public .
10 Setting the scene and capturing attention are more easily assisted by a computer program than the other aims .
11 The answer to the three problems of wind traffic and camcorder noise is to be found in the use of an extension microphone : it can be more easily sheltered from the wind , it can be a super-directional type if need be and so help to exclude the sound of passing traffic , and it can be placed far enough away to reduce camera handling noises to zero .
12 In general , the move is towards supporting the spoken language so that deaf children can more easily fit into the community as a whole , but perhaps the key insight from Tervoort 's study is the perception of the range of solution available to educators in different countries .
13 In a festival , where the usual rules do not apply , there is a feeling of release , for the ego can more easily coincide with the ego ideal , for a short time at least .
14 Though Christie 's says that the Vung Tau sale is lotted to encourage private buyers , with sets of between five and nine matching vases offered per lot ( and designed to be shown , as they were in the 17th century , massed together on a chimneypiece or high shelf ) , Cohen believes buying is more easily done through a dealer .
15 Used in this way , a chart would probably be more effective because it may be larger and more easily seen at the back of the class .
16 They are pale in colour so that they are more easily seen in the darkness .
17 Digital maps are more easily adapted to a user 's needs , especially when automated cartography is combined with spatial database management within the context of a Geographical Information System ( Chapter 7 ) .
18 Divers in a bell are more easily controlled by the supervisor .
19 If it still happens , then try a smaller main hook , which will be lighter and more easily sucked into the barbel 's mouth .
20 Some comments could be dealt with readily by changes to the draft statutory instruments but others were not so easy to resolve as they raise more fundamental questions and in these cases my officials were able to explore with the auditing practices board , whether issues could be more easily addressed in the statement of auditing standards which is being developed to accompany the legislation than in the statutory instruments themselves .
21 At first sight , the location of protest sub stantially among Romania 's alien ated Hungarian minority suggests that it may be more easily confined by the leadership in Bucharest .
22 Cement and exotic natural rocks have been used to simulate flint pebbles , because they are more easily drilled for the insertion of radioactive material .
23 The difference between these tax bases arises at the practical level in that some things are more easily measured as a stock than as a flow , for example the value of a painting .
24 Their greater height posed no problem for spore dispersal : if anything , it was a help since up in the tree tops , spores were more easily caught by the wind and carried away .
25 I sought to prove that , if an aerodrome or transport park was the objective of an operation , then the destruction of 50 aircraft or units of transport was more easily accomplished by a sub-unit of five men than by a force of 200 men .
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