Example sentences of "two or [adj] [noun] [art] week " in BNC.

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1 Injecting frequency was defined as never ( no injecting ) , occasional ( averaging fewer than two injecting episodes a week ) , and frequent ( averaging two or more episodes a week ) .
2 It is better to lose a steady two or three pounds a week than to achieve a drastic weight loss more dramatically , only to replace the lost pounds a few months later .
3 a bit , two or three pounds a week perhaps
4 Ideally , you should be cycling at least two or three times a week .
5 A woman who takes five or more alcoholic drinks a day two or three times a week while she is pregnant is at a very high risk of harming her baby .
6 If you can exercise just two or three times a week , for about half an hour at a time , you will keep your body in shape .
7 Tests show that eating lots of fibre or switching to polyunsaturated fats has about as much chance of prolonging your life as wearing a wig , but a kipper two or three times a week will have your life assurance rep collecting the premiums for ever .
8 Only two outsiders are permitted to eat from the kitchen — the governor , who has to sample one meal every day to be able to answer any complaints the following day , and the doctor , who tastes the food two or three times a week to ensure that it is balanced and nutritious .
9 What is more , it was in the midst of Beaufort Hunt country and the Prince was hunting two or three times a week during the season .
10 Miriam Stoppard , who has more stamina , says she likes to do it two or three times a week .
11 Colleagues heard that Reagan pestered North about the hostages two or three times a week ; McFarlane , probably the transmitter of the pestering , remembered that he would barely open his mouth at the 9.30 briefing before the President would ask , ‘ Anything new on the hostages ? ’
12 She came to him maybe two or three times a week : sometimes in the form of an animal , sometimes disguised as a live , normal woman .
13 And Dmitri must sometimes get propositioned two or three times a week !
14 Facilities include lounges , a television room , dining rooms , a cocktail bar where music is played two or three times a week , two beautiful old panelled stuben , a games room and an indoor swimming pool .
15 The old man generally comes to dinner two or three times a week , as he has no one at home to look after him , and on these occasions he generally brings a ‘ bit of bacon ’ with him to replenish the Allen larder .
16 Two or three times a week after that Bridhe , now alert for her , would notice Luch , or at least the slight bulge in the tapestry where she hid .
17 She is sixteen years old and gets turned into a field two or three times a week .
18 ‘ The only way you will get any results at all , is for me to take your boys in my school , on my horses , two or three times a week , from now through until the summer , and for the boys to use my horses for the competition .
19 ‘ I can come down two or three times a week .
20 You can then reduce the skin brushing to two or three times a week and the massage to once or twice a week .
21 Two or three times a week Brownies would call at Sundial Cottage to see if there was anything that needed doing — and there usually was .
22 Over the next 2 weeks she telephoned the therapist two or three times a week complaining of a variety of physical symptoms and demanding to be seen straight away .
23 It was seldom that there was an aircraft missing after a raid , so gone were the days of losing seven familiar faces two or three times a week .
24 for men two or three pints , or their equivalent , two or three times a week
25 for women two or three standard drinks , two or three times a week
26 It is therefore essential to find a form of activity we enjoy so that we are happy to practise it two or three times a week and continue it for life .
27 If you can exercise just two or three times a week , for about half an hour at a time , you will keep your body in shape .
28 It is recommended that these catfish are fed just two or three times a week .
29 As Table 3.4 shows , most of the women shop six times a week , only four shop two or three times a week , and no housewife does all her shopping once a week .
30 Aim to exercise for 20 to 30 minutes , two or three times a week and make a habit of it .
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