Example sentences of "could be [vb pp] [prep] the basis " in BNC.

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1 If required , the activities could be prioritised on the basis of whether they were primary , secondary , support or control activities , providing the basis for the evaluation of any proposed systems .
2 Descartes had thought that its existence could be demonstrated on the basis of God 's goodness .
3 Thus , for example , the UK travel market could be segmented on the basis of desirable combinations or permutations of factors such as speed , frequency of service , comfort , cost and freedom from undesirable features such as seasickness or football supporters !
4 This yielded faster response times to stimuli presented in the left visual field although simultaneous matching of photographs alone , which could be matched on the basis of lower-level processes such as feature analysis , revealed no field advantage .
5 The situation was now very different from that in the 1950s when defences of the value of the English literary canon could be mounted on the basis of the educational centrality of English studies , or of its psychological force , or even of its humanism .
6 A successful challenge could be mounted on the basis that the auditors have not followed these instructions : for an example , see 13.5.2 .
7 Smoking has been implicated in the development of CLO in itself and the association with cancers arising in CLO could be explained on the basis of induction of oesophageal columnar metaplasia rather than transformation from metaplasia to neoplasia .
8 Concepts of universal harmony could be sustained on the basis of verifiable relationships between regular motion and pleasing sounds .
9 Surveying reports on the relevant customary behaviour in 350 separate ‘ societies ’ , Tylor was able to demonstrate that , when the newlyweds set up house with the wife 's kin , avoidance behaviour between the latter and the husband occurred more frequently than could be expected on the basis of mere chance .
10 Moreover , these ‘ association ’ regions consisted of a number of distinctive regions that could be identified on the basis of their internal cellular organization .
11 The figure of 165,000 could be taken as the basis for further negotiation , because no one could tell how regular recruiting would go .
12 They could be continued on the basis of efficacy studies in experimental animals and existing data in humans .
13 This information could be used as the basis of a ‘ good school ’ or ‘ good house job ’ guide , allowing students themselves to influence the educational experience by voting with their feet against poor courses .
14 It has also been made clear that where an unmet need is recorded which the department has a legal duty to provide , it could be used as the basis for a legal challenge , although it should still be recorded .
15 The school librarian and teacher will then decide on what resources are available in terms of books , non-book materials , periodical articles etc. and how these could be used as the basis for creating a curriculum-related database ( see Chapters ) .
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