Example sentences of "do [not/n't] [verb] the same degree " in BNC.

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1 The assumption appears to be , therefore , that women do not experience the same degree of loss as men do when they retire from paid work .
2 The building regulations do not impose the same degree of restriction on the developer as the planning authority ; nevertheless , their implications in the development of proposed sites must be taken into account when Investigating viability .
3 It is generally agreed that Japan possesses many of the institutional characteristics of other capitalist societies , but these institutions do not produce the same degree of impersonal alienation because subordinates are regularly consulted and authority is ‘ soft ’ and legitimate .
4 It might be observed , too , that men and women do not have the same degree of knowledge about one another .
5 Simple documents such as a two-column parish newsletter or a flyer promoting a new sandwich bar or a college concert simply do n't demand the same degree of overall quality and items such as these are readily produced by programs such as Timeworks , GEM Desktop Publisher and Finesse .
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