Example sentences of "who live [prep] the [adj] house " in BNC.

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1 Harold was as well-mannered , she considered , as anyone in the University , including the stiff old Prebendary Porkadder , who lived in the next-door house with his housekeeper .
2 My Mum was the only white person who lived in the whole house , a point not unnoticed by me since I often asked her how come she lived there with us when everyone else was black …
3 Even with evidence for the level of wealth in each building , this could imply that the village society was led by a single chief , who lived in the biggest house in the centre of the village , or that the village was run by a council of all the members of the village , who built a large central hall in which to hold their meetings .
4 Then the grocer who lived in the third house shot himself . ’
5 There is a strong contrast between Stuart Graham 's wet and weedy Alec , who lives in the big house , with Peter O'Meara 's boyish Jerry , who comes from more humble stock .
6 His brother , who lives in the same house , spoke with Mr Mandela for five hours on 4 August .
7 His younger brother , who lives in the same house in Umtata , met Mr Mandela in August and subsequently travelled to ANC headquarters in Lusaka .
8 The people who live in the same house or block of flats as you do .
9 I myself feel that the cat and the dog who live in the same house with me are fellow members of my family circle , closer related to me socially than the human neighbour next door whom I know only by sight and name , and infinitely closer than some odd Brazilian or Melanesian , with whom my only connection is that we are fellow men .
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