Example sentences of "who live [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Not all of the émigrés from Eastern Europe were so fortunate as Goma and Tanase , who lived with the constant threat of assassination at least until Christmas 1989 .
2 Surely , a full life even for someone who lived to the advance age of 92 .
3 The Kaszubian people who lived along the western Danzig suburbs were badly affected by the changes of Prussian and German rule .
4 He assumed she was the younger daughter of the couple who lived on the second floor , until she spoke .
5 Sir Eric and Lady Paignton were there , a kindly , elderly couple , who lived on the other side of the village , and one or two people from Clyst St George ; and a fat , over-dressed little woman who turned out to be Mrs Blessington-Dalrymple .
6 I ca n't remember exactly who lived on the right hand side , I 've forgotten but th I know the Chief Clerk lived just a little way down , you see , er
7 It was true however that Doris Smythe , an elderly widow who lived on the opposite side of their suburban road in a small rented house , did n't like too much bustle around her .
8 Sommerville , of Redburn , Bonhill , Dunbartonshire , admitted stabbing and murdering Mr Friel , who lived on the same estate , in the local shopping centre on 30 October last .
9 erm in the days when they had terraced houses back to back terraced houses erm well anywhere in the country I guess but but where I come from it was fine for the people who lived with their doors on the on the road but the people who lived at the other side of the block they could n't get from the road so every so often down the down the terrace they had a little alley way an entry I think you 'd probably call it in Scotland , do n't they ?
10 Who lived at the top end of our street
11 One day they decided to visit their best friends , the three billy-goats Gruff who lived over the rickety bridge .
12 According to Moschion , who lived about the third century BC but wrote in the spirit of a century or two earlier , it was due to Time — ‘ the begetter and nurturer of all things ’ — that ‘ The earth , once barren , began to be ploughed by yoked oxen , towered cities arose , men built sheltering homes and turned their lives from savage ways to civilized . ’
13 Aristotle , who lived during the 4th century BC , said that there was a fundamental ‘ living principle ’ — or ‘ life force ’ — that distinguished living from nonliving material .
14 Martha was not the only child who lived in the highest settlement , but she was the only one who was ordered to school each day .
15 This view , named Nestorianism after Bishop Nestorius who lived in the fifth century , is still hinted at today .
16 The Buckinghamshire freeholders who lived in the immediate neighbourhood of the Tory local landowner , Sir John Verney , in fact also tended to poll in favour of the Whigs .
17 There were only three spaces available on a concreted section of the front garden and I normally left these for the use of Mrs Bradshaw and the two families who lived in the second-floor flats .
18 Harold was as well-mannered , she considered , as anyone in the University , including the stiff old Prebendary Porkadder , who lived in the next-door house with his housekeeper .
19 There was a peremptory sharpness to the knock which announced the presence of Mrs Bradshaw , a lady in her early sixties who lived in the next-door flat .
20 She paused and peered down the rocky road to make sure that none of the children who lived in the lower houses had followed her .
21 The war was unlikely to become much more than a dispute over frontier posts , in which success would depend to a considerable extent on winning the support of the Indians who lived in the wide area between the colonies .
22 A section of the hardboard wall was tugged aside , and Chrissie glimpsed the pale , unshaven features of the man who lived in the concealed room .
23 They were , after all , Soviet citizens , who lived in the Soviet Union , not Russia or Kirghizia as it used to be called .
24 At least 125 people who lived in the two buildings were either dead or critically injured .
25 It occurs to me , for example , that given that all we 've heard this afternoon about the fact that a new settlement and again I 'm playing devil 's advocate , that if it were possible to build onto an existing settlement the quality of life of those who lived in the new settlement might in fact be better than if they were , to put it crudely , finding themselves in the middle of a field .
26 Yolande was an attractive French girl , who lived in the up-market district .
27 From the shade beneath the trees emerged each day some of the considerable number of people who lived in the mysterious heights .
28 They were concerned most , however , about one section of the mass audience and that was the hard-core army of regular adolescent film-goers who lived in the disorganized city centres , the so-called ‘ crowded section ’ .
29 Needless to say , those who lived in the inner cities had a high index of deprivation .
30 Peter Ackroyd is all of the formidable pasticheur that he is praised for being , and Dyer 's tale , which affects to be that of someone who lived in the eighteenth century , and in which the element of imitation , present in writing of every kind , is more obtrusive than it is in the other tale , is the livelier of the two .
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