Example sentences of "who [be] associate with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is significant that they were known as Tarianas , a title closely resembling that given to the tribes of Turania in Turkistan who were associated with the Serpent , the Taryans .
2 He seems to have occupied the same position with regard to other royal servants in Wales , men like John Donne , Hugh Huntley and John Milewater , who were associated with the duke on a commission of 6 January 1470 to enquire into rebellion in south Wales .
3 He seems to have occupied the same position with regard to other royal servants in Wales , men like John Donne , Hugh Huntley and John Milewater , who were associated with the duke on a commission of 6 January 1470 to enquire into rebellion in south Wales .
4 Use option 3.7.1 — View One SPR to establish the LIFESPAN user who is associated with the SPR or supply an existing LIFESPAN username .
5 Use option 4.7.1 — View One SSR to establish the LIFESPAN user who is associated with the SSR or supply an existing LIFESPAN username .
6 For instance , when subjects have to decide whether certain names are familiar or not ( say , Oliver Hardy ) they respond more quickly if they are shown , a few tenths of seconds earlier , a picture of a person who is associated with the target name ( Stan Laurel ) .
7 Shares were bought in the venture of Sir Humphrey Gilbert [ q.v. ] in 1578 and in the ‘ troublesome voyage ’ of Edward Fenton [ q.v. ] in 1582 , but the ‘ Thomas Smith ’ [ q.v. ] who was associated with the Roanoke voyages and with the Levant Company was almost certainly his son and namesake .
8 Reginald Bray , who was associated with the settlement movement in Camberwell , even seemed to doubt whether the youths needed to sleep , describing in 1904 how they would stay out on the streets ‘ until it is dark , and often in summer until dawn begins to break … the street and not the house ought probably to be regarded as the home ’ .
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