Example sentences of "who [verb] to work [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Medical Research Council 's Common Cold Research Unit showed that it is not the person who gets caught in the rain or sits in a draught who is likely to develop a cold but the one who has to work in the air-conditioned , centrally-heated , artificially-lit atmosphere found in many modern office blocks .
2 According to Donal Sheehan , ‘ anyone who wants to work in the film industry would probably avoid making a lesbian or gay film because of the risk of being stereotyped .
3 The school found some support for their interpretation of Mrs Peel 's behaviour from a community nurse who tried to work with the family : ‘ She thinks there 's evidence of sexual abuse ; soiling , language and sexually overt behaviour . ’
4 The drama session ends with the railway engineer offering contracts of employment to those townspeople who want to work for the railway on the construction of the line .
5 She is exactly the same age as Mrs Smith and came to Britain from Jamaica in 1957 as a 20-year old with her father ( a skilled motor mechanic who came to work on the London buses ) , her mother and her three brothers .
6 However , she concedes that there will probably always be people who choose to work outside the mainstream , though they may not be formally organised or funded in the future .
7 I personally felt a great affinity with the people of the highlands and islands , although I know this was not so with many of our officers who preferred to work in the south .
8 We have instituted special on board training programmes for staff who wish to work in the restaurant or bars .
9 But there are Republicans in both the House and Senate who wanted to work with the president towards deficit reduction .
10 There will always be room for individual styles , but file management systems inject some standardisation to assist the lawyer conducting the cases and others who have to work on the case on a temporary or permanent basis .
11 Installation of the handrail will increase the safety for Health Physics staff carrying out surveys and for maintenance staff who have to work on the roof from time to time .
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