Example sentences of "so long as [pron] do not " in BNC.

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1 But other sorts of drink may be advertised , so long as they do not link consumption to social or sexual success — thus eliminating the predictable drink-this-and-score line .
2 We enjoy mysteries , so long as they do not threaten our person .
3 The time may have come to urge a historic settlement , whereby people in Essex can hang each other to their hearts ' content so long as they do not interfere with traditional sporting practices in the rest of the country .
4 By contrast the larger class-D animals , living on grasslands where rainfall varies , are less selective and so long as they do not crop the grass too close many animals can cover the same foraging area in a short time .
5 Journalists do not mind being reminded so long as they do not think you are pressing them to write something they can not be sure will be published .
6 Christianity in the contemporary world in which we live has become a matter of private belief and personal preference in a society that tolerates any old religious beliefs ( and new ones ) so long as they do not interfere with the running of the machine .
7 So long as they do not transgress their statutory powers , their decisions are entirely a matter for them , and — in the case of local authorities — for the majority of the elected representatives ; subject , however , to one important proviso .
8 Academics already in post retain their tenure only so long as they do not move to another university or accept promotion within their present university .
9 Disseminators of " indecent " material which lacks the potency to corrupt are generally within the law so long as they do not despatch it by post , or seek to import it from overseas , or flaunt it openly in public places .
10 ’ I can navigate on planetary speed without them , ’ Posi said , ’ so long as we do not lose others . ’
11 You strike me as a basically good-natured and decent girl , and if I can be of assistance in putting you back on the right path , I shall be happy to oblige , so long as you do not expect too lengthy or too frequent an exchange .
12 You can avoid any foods you do not like and replace them with others from these lists so long as you do not exceed your daily calorie allowance .
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