Example sentences of "so far as he [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So far as he 's concerned , he shot you , you fell in the river , and your body was swept away .
2 The merchant is , however , a typical fabliau target figure in so far as he is ridiculous in his ignorance of how his wife and friend have deceived and cuckolded him .
3 Since his surplus stock may be in keen demand he may not be able to supply you — but he can at least point you in the right direction by suggesting alternative sources , ones that have proved themselves so far as he is concerned .
4 I do not complain about that so far as he is concerned because no doubt it would be an additional and unnecessary expense for him .
5 It may be preferable from the warrantor 's point of view to use the subjective phrase ‘ so far as he is aware ’ to reduce the risk of constructive knowledge .
6 A hotelier may ‘ so far as he is free to ’ exclude or restrict his liability under the OLA 1957 by means of a notice ( or a clause in the contract of booking vis-a-vis guests ) .
7 ( c ) Exclusion Section 2(1) states : An occupier of premises owes the same duty , the " common duty of care " to all his visitors , except in so far as he is free to and does extend , restrict , modify or exclude his duty to any visitor or visitors by agreement or otherwise .
8 He governs , so far as he is able to , on borrowed time because none of the groups contending for power yet feels strong enough to make a grab for it .
9 ‘ Any party who seeks to charge an accounting party with an amount beyond that which he has by his account admitted to have received or who alleges that any item in his account is erroneous in respect of amount or in any other respect must give him notice thereof stating , so far as he is able , the amount sought to be charged with brief particulars thereof or , as the case may be , the grounds for alleging that the item is erroneous .
10 So far as he was concerned , I could become a Muslim or a Jew , provided I got good School Certificates .
11 These were cant phrases so far as he was concerned and they missed the point .
12 A lot of people ran away with the idea that they were Pacifists , but so far as he was concerned that was not true .
13 It was plain enough now , from the glance he shot in the general direction of the three of them and the jeep , that so far as he was concerned they were just part and parcel of the trouble generated by the city , the days he had to spend queuing in the tax office , the months he had spent shut up in the squalid , over-crowded prison , the endless haggling with shopkeepers , the disappearance of his good-for-nothing son .
14 So far as he was concerned , a great danger had been averted , and the matter was now closed , but it had a sequel which we may now follow .
15 Anselm acquiesced in this explanation and waited for peace , but then , long after it had been apparent to others , it dawned on him that he must either do the job or give it up — preferably , so far as he was concerned , the latter .
16 He used to say that he did not want to listen to a man like Beethoven , whose stormy music told his hearers all about himself and his troubles , but rather to hear the pure beauty of musical form , which so far as he was concerned reached its acme in Mozart 's classical perfection .
17 The fact that Bunn had both the guarantee and the charge drawn up and executed both by the husband and himself on Friday , 23 July , and his evidence that the wife 's attendance on the Monday was , so far as he was concerned , a mere formality , shows that all that remained was to get the wife 's signature in accordance with bank policy .
18 From the fairly casual manner of Nicholls ' wording and his failure to mention what he had recommended , we may take it that , at least so far as he was concerned , the problem of the status of emigres holding non-Soviet passports had not at this stage been presented as of overwhelming importance or urgency .
19 There was a moment , particularly at tea , when I would sense that our conversation was , so far as he was concerned , due to come to an end .
20 So far as he was concerned , she was fair game ; that accounted for his behaviour in her bedroom , the scene in the hired car last night .
21 In Goldring 's case , the customer had done something clearly conveying to the finance company that he did not own the van and that so far as he was concerned the seller ( the trader ) had every right to sell it .
22 So far as he was concerned they were both promised to other people .
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