Example sentences of "so far as [pers pn] are [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I hope that in so far as we are achieving a consensus on care in the community , there is a general recognition that it will cost more and use more resources .
2 It is perhaps fortunate from our point of view that we can pin ourselves , in so far as we are talking about an inset , to the actual deposit copy of Ryedale District Council , when they did get the matter right , but no body apart from them , sir , did so .
3 Polar adaptations of a few species , so far as they are recognized , are discussed in Chapter 6 .
4 Secondly , it is arguable that most other theories , e.g. those based on semantic components , can be subsumed within it , in so far as they are built on consistent and logical lines .
5 The smaller nations get short shrift on somewhat different grounds : in so far as they are affected by general trends , their history recapitulates that of the major states .
6 In so far as they are based upon analogy with the position of courts of law which are not under any such general duty , this reasoning is being undermined as the judiciary increasingly require some statement of reasons within judgments .
7 There are of course many aspects of language usage that depend on these relations ( see e.g. Brown & Levinson , 1978 , 1979 ) , but these usages are only relevant to the topic of social deixis in so far as they are grammaticalized Obvious examples of such grammaticalizations are " polite " pronouns and titles of address , but there are many other manifestations of social deixis ( see Brown & Levinson , 1978 : 183-92 , 281-5 ; Levinson , 1977 , 1979b ) .
8 As such it certainly extends to local — and , as I think , also statutory bodies in so far as they are exercising autonomous rule .
9 The Evangelical party will perhaps continue to exalt their hero as partially as parties always do — but the members of it will act thus only so far as they are possessed by party spirit , rather than by the pure spirit of the doctrines which they hold in common with their so-called Catholic opponents , whom adversaries style popish .
10 From inside that belief system the responses that are made to overload and pressure will seem , in so far as they are considered consciously , to be sensible , vital or even inevitable .
11 This Fact Sheet will be followed by a series of Briefing Papers for MPs , which will go beyond the facts to a description of the types of arguments that have been employed by researchers to study the causes of unemployment , including the possible effects so far as they are known of various remedies that have been proposed .
12 This can be seen in the example of river action : in climates with rain at all seasons erosion and deposition are almost continuous except in so far as they are varied by floods ; in areas marginal to ice sheets the short periods of summer thaw , which result in enormous increases in the discharge of meltwater streams issuing from the ice , are the significant ones ; in deserts it may well be that the isolated rainfall , occurring perhaps once every five or ten years , is of greater significance than anything else .
13 In the case of bodies other than courts , in so far as they are required to apply the law they are required to apply the law correctly .
14 Besides , even those who argue that the answer to women 's dependency/op-pression in the home is for them to take outside jobs ( as if the sort of jobs open to most women were in any way more congenial and less exploitative than housework , except in so far as they are paid ) and put their children into publicly funded day-care centres , must surely allow that some women ( as well as men , of course ) would choose freely to look after children , otherwise how are the centres to be staffed ?
15 The better opinion is that the pre-1926 priorities of the legal over the equitable estate , and of the earlier in time over the later , still apply , except in so far as they are abrogated by the provisions of the 1925 legislation .
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