Example sentences of "out [prep] touch [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He proved himself out of touch over the economy and by opposing abortion on demand .
2 The speech was badly received by deputies and republican leaders , who complained that it contained nothing new or concrete , and was out of touch with the mood of the Supreme Soviet and of the country .
3 An elegance which was enjoyed only a few days earlier can now seem artificial , out of touch with the sense of self that has arisen .
4 I think that from the ivory tower of public office , secure salary , ministerial chauffeurs and cars and frequent invitations to events of interest , that they are totally out of touch with the concept and the reality of unemployment .
5 A stance which was appropriate for the Age of Brezhnev and Galtieri now seems out of date and out of touch with the spirit of the times .
6 Husbands can easily get out of touch with the cost of living unless they do the shopping regularly and see the bills .
7 It is possible that those who theorise about choice and independence are sometimes out of touch with the misery and squalor in which a small number of old people live .
8 Does my right hon. Friend agree that recent developments have underlined the fact that the Shops Act 1950 is illogical , out of date , rarely enforced and out of touch with the reality of the 1990s ?
9 A further example is when an organisation which has been trading for many decades finds itself increasingly out of touch with the market and the organisation 's internal culture and style is no longer appropriate to the markets it is trying to address .
10 One would think that an old person would have to be living in an isolated cottage , in the heart of the countryside , to be so out of touch with the world ; but sadly we know from the frequent reports in the newspapers that such tragic loneliness can exist right in the heart of our towns and cities , and that the old have sometimes remained undiscovered for weeks and months after they have died in their own homes .
11 JUDGES are notorious for being out of touch with the world but Judge John Lee must win the Legal Ass of the Year award for saying it 's a woman 's function to upset men .
12 Or else it becomes an increasingly embattled stance , out of touch with the world .
13 In the eyes of this boy he and his wife were probably ridiculous , she lying on a sun-chair , he old and out of touch with the world .
14 Furthermore , since I only recently arrived in France from England I am not exactly out of touch with the news from ‘ home ’ .
15 Though open opposition , as the ‘ White Rose ’ showed , was futile against the might of the Gestapo and resistance groups were necessarily compelled to continue their work in secrecy and isolation , their hostility to the Nazi regime was now far less out of touch with the climate of opinion than had been the case even a few months earlier , before Stalingrad .
16 He 's completely out of touch with the situation . ’
17 On March 20 Sanjaasureniyn Dzorig , co-ordinating secretary of the MDU , addressed a rally of 4,000 , accusing the new MPRP leader Ochirbat of arrogance and of being out of touch with the situation in Mongolia .
18 Lacking any organization and completely out of touch with the peasant masses in whose interests they sought to speak , they were easily dealt with .
19 The whole document is hopelessly out of touch with the severity and scale of the UK 's upland agriculture/ conservation conflict .
20 You 're out of touch with the earth .
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