Example sentences of "can be explained by the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The trend towards greater leniency for most offenders can be explained by the operation of the first part of Durkheim 's first law , which postulates increasing leniency as collective sentiments become more secular .
2 The contradictions between these implicit tendencies and Goody 's explicit rejection of them can be explained by the framework of distinctions on which the inquiry is based in the first place .
3 However , because of the low gravity of the Moon the compression inside it is also small , and the slight increase of density with depth is more than can be explained by the compression of a homogeneous material .
4 The extremely high intragastric ammonium concentration in the renal failure patients with H pylori infection can be explained by the combination of their high gastric juice urea concentration and the high urease activity of the organism .
5 Much of this can be explained by the cooptation which has taken place through the mechanism of clientelism .
6 The Libyan system was ostensibly designed to preserve those natural attributes of humankind : some of its elements can be explained by the intention to create a non-representative direct democracy .
7 Moreover , the lunar seismic signals were of a very different nature from those seen in the Earth , and this can be explained by the prevalence of a fragmented medium in the outer regions of the Moon .
8 This can be explained by the absence of ulcers in their study , and by the nature of our scoring system .
9 Depths less than this can be explained by the infilling of lagoons and the deposition of some material on banks .
10 Trevor Sorbie thinks the patronising attitudes of some salons can be explained by the youth of the stylists .
11 This can be explained by the decrease in the solar flux ( caused by SO 2 absorption ) which reduces the rate of O 2 photolysis and hence of O 3 production .
12 It can be explained by the fact that so much of Western life in the later part of the twentieth century is geared to groups and families , partnerships and couples .
13 The food is delicious : home-baked bread , cakes and pastries , the excellence of which can be explained by the fact that John and Polly were both bakers in John 's father 's business .
14 Thus , the achievements of white working class pupils — children whose parents are manual workers — are much closer to those of Afro-Caribbean pupils , and it is arguable that the findings of Rampton , Swann and similar investigations can be explained by the fact that a larger proportion of Afro-Caribbeans than whites are working class , and are likely to be earning less and living in worse housing than whites , as documented earlier in this chapter ( Brown , 1984 ; Reeves and Chevannes , 1981 ) .
15 Some of the similarities between the East Asian and the pre-Columbian American civilisations can be explained by the fact that people may have moved across the bridge of land which connected north-east Asia to north-west America 15,000 or more years ago .
16 In part , this tendency towards cohabiting can be explained by the fact that the known users were randomly sampled , whereas the hidden sector was sampled through nomination and interviewees ' partners formed a prominent part of the sampling frame .
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