Example sentences of "would lead [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A press release on the " New Democratic Era in Benin " , published on March 12 , set out the political transition programme , which would lead via a new constitution , a new electoral law and the free formation of political parties , to legislative and presidential elections in February and March 1991 .
2 I believe that this would lead to a better service and improved facilities for the public .
3 If the American presence during the war period was looked upon ambivalently by the local population , its continued presence at Chaguaramas , following the cessation of hostilities , would lead to a protracted dispute between the foreign powers and the government of Trinidad and Tobago , a government led by that most unambivalent of men , Dr.Eric Williams .
4 In fact , a police raid on ffeatherstonehaugh 's would lead to a great deal of embarrassment .
5 This would lead to a clearer understanding of the relationships between international organisations , such as the European Community , which have acquired a measure of control over national policy , and the nations themselves .
6 Considerations of this kind would lead to a good deal of common authority , that is they would legitimate the authority of a government over all its subjects regarding a certain range of issues .
7 HOPES that the ending of the Cold War would lead to a new era of peace have been rudely dashed .
8 There was no guarantee that it would lead to a new deal for the industry nor that , even as a compromise , it would hold against the tensions of a situation in which one side at least seemed determined to continue on a collision course .
9 The plea was made at an Institute of Petroleum conference in London by Alfred DeCrane , chairman of Texaco , who warned of the danger of rushing through measures that would lead to a new set of problems .
10 The board itself saw the advantage of this course but the chairman , Humphrey Browne , was worried that privatization would lead to a crippling strike .
11 It was felt that improved contact would lead to a greater participation in Society affairs by members , which in turn , would lead to a healthier and more informed Society .
12 This would lead to a greater loss of independence and the identity of the practice than is likely to occur by staying outside the fundholding system .
13 The deregulation and liberalisation of Earth segment proposed by the European Community would lead to a general increase in spectrum requirements and to a need for simplified co-ordination procedures .
14 It was also in a serious financial position but believed the new Regulations would lead to a general amelioration of the deficit position through the ability to earn increased Board of Education grants for its Chapter III work .
15 During the inter-war period what trade union support there was for family allowances ( generally it was feared that allowances would lead to a wholesale reduction in wages and reduce the bargaining power of male workers ) , was based on the hope that they would lead to a withdrawal of married women from the workforce .
16 It is argued that greater care in extraction would lead to a higher price of the timber but , in hill-forest in Sarawak planned systems using directional felling are said to reduce logging damage by half without incurring additional costs .
17 Students who obtained a C1 Certificate and who did not wish to enter employment immediately should be able to undertake further studies ; in some instances , this might be a Diploma in Art and Design course , but in most cases it would lead to a Higher Certificate of the validating body .
18 This would lead to a long-term retaliation by [ our competitor ] .
19 This would lead to a uniform universe , as we observe .
20 he knew would lead to a vast network of subterranean flames ,
21 But Mr Ashdown , who is demanding a full-scale coalition , has so far rejected anything that Labour has offered , threatening to vote against a Queen 's Speech that does not include a commitment to electoral reform ; and Mr Kinnock has said that he has made no overtures — not even played the ‘ opening chords ’ — which would lead to a post-election pact .
22 to cause or knowingly to permit any matter to enter a stream , so as to tend ( either directly or in combination with other matter which is caused or permitted to enter the stream ) to impede the flow of the stream in a way that would lead to a substantial aggravation of pollution due to other causes ;
23 It is certainly the case that in much of what is said about pension comparisons with Europe , areas that would lead to a substantial loss among some British pensioners , including those to whom my hon. Friend referred , are often overlooked .
24 The skill of the lawyer existed in ensuring that the relationship between the statements in his legal discourse was such that it would lead to a legal outcome which would translate back directly into the outcome chosen by the client as formulated in his or her own , non-legal discourse .
25 On May 20 Turkish Prime Minister Suleyman Demirel ruled out the use of force in Nakhichevan , claiming that Turkish involvement would lead to a wider conflict between Christians and Moslems in the region .
26 The Guardian of Dec. 7 quoted " Middle East sources " to the effect that Yassir Arafat , chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization ( PLO ) , had played " a vital role " in impressing upon Saddam Hussein that " the liberation of the hostages would lead to a wider dialogue " .
27 There is not the opportunistic freedom of being able to change the direction to follow a temptation , nor is there the firm route-planning that would lead to a specific destination .
28 Most of the suggestions made in Teacher 's Notes that accompany ELT video materials would lead to a full lesson built round each video unit .
29 However , although our attention will naturally be more strongly drawn to established senses , to limit the discussion in principle to these would lead to a distorted picture of word-meaning .
30 Sentencing Robert Cameron , Sheriff James Farrell warned that any knife-related crime would lead to a custodial sentence .
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