Example sentences of "would [vb infin] at least [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This would affirm at least one value of the book review as that legal force which covers up the work . ’
2 Even with a computer , it was reckoned it would take at least four years , and the chances were very high that one would make at least one mistake , probably more .
3 With her long sight she saw the size of the fire , and — well , she realised it would need at least five fire-engines .
4 A minority Conservative government would need at least 315 seats for the Unionists to be able to deliver a working majority to Mr Major .
5 Coun Paul Harford told Cleveland 's development control sub- committee that Northallerton was remote from Cleveland and the public would need at least two buses to attend the Marton venue .
6 Coun Paul Harford told Cleveland 's development control sub-committee that Northallerton was remote from Cleveland and the public would need at least two buses to reach the Marton venue .
7 Ideally , one would need at least two instruments of different types for the Beethoven Sonatas .
8 She would need at least one room that was n't like a builder 's yard , ’ Sam says .
9 And they added , ‘ You would need at least four years just to learn how to breathe ! ’
10 Marryat 's readers would bring at least some associations and some understanding to this piece of special pleading .
11 Under the electoral system of 1918 , the Unionists had a minimum vote of at least 38 per cent of the electorate , and this would bring at least 250 seats in a parliament of 615 ; in a political world of three parties this almost guaranteed that no other party would govern alone and that the Unionists would usually have a majority .
12 A letter to the council from Bowhill Construction , of Middleton St George , claims the hospital would employ at least 80 people and could be open by September 1993 .
13 A letter to the council from Bowhill Construction , of Middleton St George , claims the hospital would employ at least 80 people and could be open by September , 1993 .
14 Right , later on it describes in enormous detail how the president is chosen and the electoral system and then under section two it gives several specific powers that the president has and I would like at least one contribution from this packed assembly here .
15 This would entail at least 30 targets to be attacked by between 120 and 160 men .
16 The evidence would suggest at least that Heahberht was established and secured in power in Kent through Offa 's intervention and support .
17 " A real honeymoon couple would have at least one suitcase " he said with a grin .
18 In order that the hypothetical choice of loans offered to them would have at least some roots in people 's own experience , the size of the loan was in each case matched to the size of loan which people said they would consider taking out in practice .
19 The Conservatives there will be lucky to have enough members to carry a caber after Thursday , yet with proportional representation they would have at least 15 seats .
20 Slovene President Milan Kucan estimated that the process would take at least six months , and he promised that during that time Slovenia would negotiate with the federal government to avoid financial and administrative conflicts .
21 The government had provoked opposition protests by twice extending the current parliamentary session by two months , in early February and again in early April , ostensibly because it would take at least six months to complete the registration exercise for a new electoral roll .
22 Initial estimates that it would take at least two years to extinguish all the fires proved pessimistic as the teams rapidly gained experience in the task .
23 Initial estimates that it would take at least two years to kill all the fires proved pessimistic as the teams rapidly gained experience in the task .
24 Otherwise , the fact that nothing can travel faster than light means that the round trip to the nearest star would take at least eight years .
25 A UN report published on May 2 estimated that the process of reconstruction would take at least 10 years [ see pp. 37987 ; 38118 ; 38166 ] , and that the Iraqi occupation had cost Kuwait US$8,500 million .
26 Frank Rubino , Noriega 's chief defence lawyer , described himself as " shocked " by the judge 's suggestion , having previously estimated that it would take at least nine months before the case would be ready for trial .
27 We knew the train would take at least four hours to cover the sixty kilometres from Raxaul to Dhang .
28 Even with a computer , it was reckoned it would take at least four years , and the chances were very high that one would make at least one mistake , probably more .
29 In the past this exercise would take at least three man days and , due to the " five bar gate " method of data collection , was certainly inaccurate .
30 But it was estimated that the forces at Verdun would require at least 2,000 tons a day , plus another 1OO for every additional division brought up .
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