Example sentences of "can be regarded [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Since the timekeeping was governed mainly by the flow of water rather than the escapement action , this device can be regarded as a link between the timekeeping properties of a steady flow of liquid and those of mechanically produced oscillations .
2 Entropy can be regarded as a measure of the disorder of a system or , equivalently , as a lack of knowledge of its precise state .
3 To assign a role to culture is not to resolve the problems of structure versus action because the here and now culture , whatever its foundations in historical action , can be regarded as a component of social structure in a general sense .
4 Three triplet quavers appear fairly early in the piece and then become a frequent feature , but of course these can be regarded as a diminution of cell b in its three-note form .
5 Firstly Muslims ( like Christians and unlike Hindus ) have set prayers which should be said during the day , so that Christian prayers can be regarded as a threat or at least an alternative to Islam , and secondly , while Hindu and Sikh parents often regard Christian prayers for their children as so much water off a duck 's back , Muslims , again like Christians or religious Jews , object to any other religious influence on their children .
6 There is no way in which Darwin can be regarded as a parent of the science of plant ecology .
7 It can be regarded as a principle apart from morality on which morality can be based since it provides a reason why it might be worthwhile for a man to act morally .
8 Papinian is discussing whether , if a non-heir builds a monument , this can be regarded as a negotium gestum and the costs charged to the heir .
9 In building up its stable of branded prescription drugs , Medeva has bought a number from SmithKline Beecham , including Dexedrine , which can be regarded as a UK equivalent of methylphenidate , and the products Normax and Micralax , which are used to treat constipation arising from use of opiates in severe pain cases .
10 Zarathustra 's monotheistic religion can be regarded as a response to the social conditions of his time , an age of transition when a settled agricultural and pastoral community was being threatened by predatory tribes who still followed the nomadic way of life .
11 This.vertical Phillips curve ( labelled LPC in Fig. 6.4 ) can be regarded as a warning to policy-makers that continued attempts to reduce unemployment below its natural level can only lead to higher and higher inflation rates and no long-run decrease in unemployment .
12 That which vibrates within the electron can be regarded as a unit of pure consciousness .
13 Some have indeed argued that such a community can be regarded as a sort of superorganism , which adapts to the environment , regulates its numbers , stores information and behaves in a strongly cognitive manner .
14 The derivation of Figs. 6.3–6.6 from Fig. 6.2 can be regarded as a sort of numerical experiment , although a very untypical one since all the dynamical results were contained in Fig. 6.2 and the experiment concerned only kinematic transformations of these results .
15 Its use can be regarded as a move back to a more " managed " approach to the determination of interest rates .
16 The energy enters the particle via a similar point ( laya centre ) which can be regarded as a vacuum point in the charge where the vortex field will not be deformed in any manner .
17 The polymer chain can be regarded as a series of small segments covalently bonded together and it is the effect of this chain connectivity which leads to deviations from an ideal entropy of mixing .
18 He came to the conclusion that time can be regarded as a numbering process associated with our perception of before and after in motion and change .
19 Even a letter to the Police Review can be regarded as a form of indiscipline :
20 Species of Class III , such as , which can be regarded as a dimer , show sharp IVCT bands that are not affected by solvent , whereas Class II species such as give broad IVCT bands whose energy is sensitive to solvent .
21 It is often , at least initially , a response to social distress , and in turn , this indicates that counselling responses to problems of excessive drinking should not concentrate on the drinking alone , which can be regarded as a symptom , but on the deeper underlying social and emotional causes which have given rise to it .
22 On the other side , the spontaneous growth of a disability culture , in the absence of support from organisations of disabled people , can be regarded as a symptom of ordinary disabled people losing interest in the issues that an elite leadership regards as a priority .
23 Another way of looking at the process is to regard the member of the pair of particles that falls into the black hole — ; the antiparticle , say — as being really a particle that is traveling backward in time Thus , the antiparticle falling into the black hole can be regarded as a particle coming out of the black hole but traveling backward in time .
24 Childbearing can be regarded as a confirmation that the parents feel at one with the nation and culture in which they live ( Simons 1986a ) .
25 The restrictive covenant cases demonstrate that a covenant will not be upheld on the basis of the status of the information which might be disclosed by a former employee if he is not restrained , unless it can be regarded as a business secret or the equivalent of a business secret .
26 Also , even when modern composers do write melody , it is rarely presented in a straightforward way which can be regarded as a model .
27 1977 ) can be regarded as a touchstone for later disputes , its premises and positions not yet superseded .
28 In this respect the bureaucracy of the Soviet Union can be regarded as a class .
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