Example sentences of "can be add to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 information such as basic measurements of bone dimensions can be added to the computer 's database and discriminant analysis can then predict the group that is most probably correct .
2 No-one has yet managed to get ICE CUBE to sup on the drink , but hopefully Paraquat can be added to the mixture .
3 Flavourings can be added to the mixture before whisking if desired , such as a little mint essence or citrus zest and juice .
4 Various flavourings can be added to the mixture to suit personal tastes .
5 Some detail can be added to the superstructure of the yachts , such as the coach roofs , doghouse and hatch covers .
6 A further 5,000 unfamiliar words can be added to the system , along with up to 99 standard paragraphs that can be called in as required .
7 As an alternative or to supplement this natural diet green plant material can be added to the aquarium in the form of lettuce , cabbage or spinach leaves .
8 If he comes through unscathed , he can be added to the squad .
9 Not only does the programme require that new sources of pollution must use the ‘ best available control technology ’ ( BACT ) to minimize their impact on air quality , but it also limits the additional pollution which can be added to the air .
10 Answer guide : Here there are alternatives available : either a new asset account can be opened for the sail material or it can be added to the tubing .
11 Recently a remedy was introduced that can be added to the pond water and this is proving to be successful .
12 Barclays charges a £150 arrangement fee which can be added to the loan , although the charge is waived if an endowment , pension or mortgage protection policy is arranged with the bank .
13 It has now been shown that variation in relative growth rates can be added to the list ( Burdon & Harper , 1980 ) .
14 Building up the sides of the nest is resumed but is periodically interrupted so that more lichen can be added to the outside .
15 This would help to master the tense system , and then , gradually , as learning progresses , other pronouns can be added to the drill .
16 Tudor composers or Elizabethan playwrights can be added to the time-line for the unit on life in Tudor and Stuart times .
17 Words which fall into the open class are those which are potentially unlimited in number because new words can be added to the language as the need arises .
18 Help fields can be added to the database if required .
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