Example sentences of "will be determine by the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In any one society , the meaning of ‘ aggression ’ will be determined by the presence or absence of related concepts such as ‘ bravery ’ , ‘ cowardice ’ , ‘ honour ’ , ‘ peacemaker ’ , ‘ bully ’ , and so on .
2 And since economic practice is defined by a mode of production , the character of a given economic practice will be determined by the whole of which it is an element , and may be quite unlike its counterparts in other societies .
3 The letter f is simply a shorthand for indicating that a furnished tenancy will be determined by the elements within the bracket .
4 The rate of interest we charge will be linked to Midland Bank Base Rate , and will be determined by the size and likely duration of the overdraft and whether or not security is something your Midland manager will discuss when arranging your overdraft .
5 This will be determined by the size of tool you use .
6 The investment in advice will be determined by the size of the investment in technology .
7 The size of your patio will be determined by the space available and its intended uses .
8 The verdict passed on people in the final judgment will be determined by the attitude they adopted to Christ during their lifetime ( Matt.
9 For many of the most elderly , remaining independent will be determined by the level of support and practical help provided by relatives , friends and by organised services .
10 * This amount will be determined by the level of the FT-SE 100 Index prevailing at or about 11.00 am on the maturity date of the Bond .
11 Provisions for obsolete and slow moving stock will be determined by the directors based on physical and recorded stock levels but the presence or not of a part number on an item of stock or the recording or not of the item on the stock records will not of itself be any be any form of guide as to obsolescence .
12 It will be determined by the receivers rather than , as in the first exercise , by the sender .
13 Scoring procedures will be determined by the nature of the investigation .
14 I believe that such statements are likely to be readily identified in Parliamentary proceedings and the cases in which they are relevant will be determined by the nature of the subject matter .
15 However , an overall sense of direction will be determined by the extent to which we are happy with the answers given .
16 The essence of it is that if expectations of a variable are rational they will be determined by the process governing that variable .
17 Thus expectations about policy will be determined by the process governing that policy , the ‘ policy regime ’ ; and changes in policy regime will alter the precise way in which people form their expectations about policy .
18 Because the individual moving into a local community is not concerned with the congestion costs that this implies for existing residents , her decision to move will be determined by the difference between and and there will be no incentive to move at a point when is equal to .
19 The exchange rate will be determined by the demand for the new money and the amount of cruzeiros the government is willing to supply .
20 Rather the price will be determined by the demand for and the supply of that commodity .
21 But that that will be determined by the sales exec when they go round to sign the contract .
22 Alternatively , we may say that for a given level of benefit , the premium will be determined by the risk , or more briefly still , that the premium : benefit ratio is a function of risk .
23 However , there is no formal way to create this design , and the way you approach it will be determined by the number of roses you have to press and the shape of the leaves in the rest of the bouquet .
24 MITR is effectively an open-ended tax relief , the cost of which will be determined by the number of people obtaining mortgages and the rate of interest prevailing .
25 The size of the epidemic in five or ten years time has not been estimated with confidence ; the epidemic will be determined by the number of people with HIV infection who develop AIDS over time .
26 e ) Type of data required : will be determined by the forecasting methods to be employed and the budget available for finding and assembling such information .
27 First , in what may be termed classic jurisdictional fact cases such as ‘ if a furnished tenancy , or resources , etc. , exist , you may … ’ the courts well presume that the term , if it is classified as a jurisdictional fact , has a meaning which will be determined by the judiciary and not by the public body .
28 The pattern of financial management for smaller primary schools and for special schools will be determined by the LEA after consultation with governors .
29 The economics and efficiency of a personal injury practice in the future will be determined by the people doing the work .
30 The value of any checklist will be determined by the quality of the items employed .
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