Example sentences of "will be [verb] on the basis " in BNC.

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1 If the number of persons booked changes , the holiday price will be recalculated on the basis of the amended party size .
2 This calculation will be made on the basis of a broadly equivalent comparable house , that is , one which would broadly provide the same accommodation , due allowance being made for the location , for example , urban versus rural and which is in a location of broadly equivalent quality .
3 Sometimes a case will be made on the basis of what is known to happen abroad for the actual transfer or importation into a country of particular industrial relations methods or techniques .
4 Once the crew for each boat is selected — a choice that will be made on the basis of strength , ability and leadership qualities — everyone will be given the opportunity of specialising in certain areas of maintenance .
5 Those arrangements do not preclude education authority representatives either being appointed initially by the Secretary of State or subsequently by boards , but I stress that appointments will be made on the basis of personal qualities .
6 Basil Bayne , WPSA Education and Careers committee , said : ‘ The offer will be made on the basis of a 1,500 world essay on ‘ Possible Developments in the production and marketing of poultry in Europe by the year 2000 ’ and the competition is open to anyone born after September 1 , 1969 . ’
7 These will be prepared on the basis of the information already provided and will , necessarily , be subject to a comprehensive list of conditions .
8 When this sterling is used to pay for UK exports and is then deposited back in the banks by the exporters , credit will be created on the basis of it , leading to a multiplied increase in money supply .
9 The research will be conducted on the basis of data collated on national laws and practice , interviews and field visits to for example the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation , the International Oceanographic Commission and United Nations in New York , and the maritime centres of universities overseas .
10 Abatement strategies to meet these goals will be determined on the basis of cost-effectiveness for the European Region as a whole .
11 There may be instances when the systematic abuse of conflict of interest situations will be tolerated on the basis that it is more efficient to permit the abuse than to have it eradicated .
12 This will be done on the basis of past experience of the company , its skill at producing the type of film which is planned , observation of its work for other agencies , and , to an extent , its cost quotation .
13 This , along with the introduction of capitation funding — where DHAs will be funded on the basis of a capitation fee for their residents — has forced the issue .
14 Sixth-form colleges will be funded on the basis that they carry on with their present practice .
15 Where the price varies depending on the number of persons booked into the accommodation and you wish to change that number of persons , the price will be recharged on the basis of the new party size as shown in the price panel .
16 However , in most cases the claim will be settled on the basis of the repair or replacement cost , as supported by estimates/receipts submitted .
17 A series of individual observation and interview measures will be derived on the basis of this ethnography .
18 Following a method which has been successfully piloted , children will be grouped on the basis of individual pre-tests so that their initial explanations are either in agreement or in conflict .
19 In most cases , however , the conflict will be resolved on the basis that the party which sends out its terms of business last will make the final counter offer which may be accepted by conduct — for instance , the seller may accept the buyer 's offer by supplying goods ; the buyer may accept the seller 's offer to supply by retaining and accepting goods delivered .
20 Student performance will be judged on the basis of degree examination results , thesis and continuous assessment , following current University regulations .
21 Partly this is because , where political objectives such as employment are given high priority , enterprise management will be judged on the basis of its ability to maintain or expand the workforce rather than on its financial performance ( e.g. Grassini 1981 : 84 ) .
22 With Type I ‘ internal markets ’ , some or all the health care services for an authority 's residents will be purchased on the basis of contracts .
23 Such articles will be discussed on the basis of their distribution patterns as they fall into two distinct groups .
24 Claims for damage will be paid on the basis of the cost of repair .
25 Claims for damage will be paid on the basis of the cost of repair .
26 All suitably qualified applicants will be considered on the basis of merit irrespective of sex , racial origin , marital status or disability .
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