Example sentences of "have led [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The troubles experienced by contractors and developers have led to a new realism ; this improved view now has the benefit of a TV and newspaper marketing programme .
2 The extreme scarcity of artists ' materials and a relaxation of restrictions on travel have led to a new exodus of painters , sculptors , and other artists .
3 Recent investment in production facilities and reserves of quality wines have led to a new lease of life for this long established house .
4 Initiatives undertaken in response to the widespread dissatisfaction with residential care have led to a general improvement in the quality of services .
5 Such questions have led to a bewildering muddle .
6 The difficulties inherent in the ‘ rational ’ approach to public policy-making and administration have led to a renewed interest in ‘ incrementalism ’ in local authorities .
7 The predominant conventions of the adventure story , the victory of good over evil and the happy ending , have led to a subtle demotion of the genre from the highest ranks of literature on the grounds that its main aim is a contrived entertainment ; for experience suggests , often though not invariably , that the challenge of adventure is more likely to meet with disaster and defeat than survival and triumph .
8 More recently the rapid increase in the wealth of the Japanese , their greater consumption of diamonds and the fact that they have never been so attached to gold as the peoples of the west have led to a sharp increase in their use of platinum for jewellery .
9 But Saunders ’ somewhat volatile displays have led to a gradual disenchantment .
10 Modernisation , socio-economic exploitation by money-lenders and landlords , and the loss of previously communally-owned property , such as forests , have led to a collective loss of identity .
11 Associated activities , including road-building and the introduction of electricity , have led to a rapid expansion of settlements , notably at Benemerito , with peasant farmers moving in to clear stretches of the forest for crop growing .
12 The foreign debt problem in Brazil and the measures taken to contain it have led to a considerable decline in industrial production and employment .
13 Statistical analyses of sex differences have led to a popular belief that men 's behaviour is dominated by the left hemisphere of the brain ( logical , linear thinking , structured ) and women 's behaviour is more frequently dominated by the right hemisphere ( intuitive , visual , lateral ) .
14 The philosophy ( with the arguable exception of the Netherlands ) is not actually practised anywhere in the world , although the concerns that give rise to it have led to a continuing debate in some western industrialized democracies about ways in which the monopolistic nature of the capitalist press might be usefully modified .
15 These complications have led to a whole variety of views as to the composition of the middle class and its place in the social structure .
16 Two are under pressure , however , Chelsford Highland Park , where ecological objections have led to a public enquiry , and Leigh Grounds in Hampshire where the NCC refused to sell woodland lying in the centre of a proposed course .
17 New procedures and improved works instructions have led to a dramatic reduction in the manufacture of below-specification material .
18 ‘ Short print runs by many publishers have led to an unacceptable level of reprints and inevitable delays .
19 The acute shortages of public funds for basic education in Zambia over the past decade have led to an increasing reliance on external aid to finance educational initiatives .
20 Difficulties associated with the absence of local democratic control over major services in the province , multiple deprivation and civil conflict have led to an increasing focus on the particular needs of Northern Ireland in this area of social policy .
21 The heavy costs and long delays involved in High Court litigation have led to an increasing use of some means of arbitration to resolve commercial disputes .
22 The demographic developments which have led to an ageing population in Britain are characteristic of all developed nations , with a trend towards lower birth rates and reduced mortality at all ages .
23 The opposition New Progressive Party ( PNP ) claimed that victory for the government would have strained relations with the USA and have led to the possible loss of student scholarships and federal food aid .
24 Campaigns to save the whales have led to the International Whaling Commission gradually lowering its quotas and many nations giving up whaling in favour of protectionist policies .
25 Just as the first two processes have led to the gradual expansion of the broadcasting scene , the last , and most critical , process is aimed at a complete reappraisal of the role of broadcasting , and the broadcasting organizations , in British society .
26 This is illustrated by Goodwin 's ( 1986 : 2 ) identification of locality as being concerned with ‘ those processes that have led to the uneven development and local differentiation of social and economic change ’ , suggesting causal force as the strongest use of locality in both Greg son and Duncan 's terms .
27 Such problems have led to the characteristic phenomenon in which de facto priorities have been established by ad hoc political intervention over such matters as pay and prices , purchasing policy , import substitution , investment location and closure decisions .
28 These and other observations have led to the obvious speculation that plumes arise at the core-mantle boundary .
29 Such combines are still common , in various forms , but further problems of capitalization , marketing and integration of production have led to the widespread appearance of the conglomerate , within which ownership and control of the means of cultural production become a sector within the wider ownership and control of a much wider ( non-cultural ) productive and financial area .
30 These have led to the same stereotyping of characters as happens in classical ballet .
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