Example sentences of "have come [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You have left a place where you are loved and accepted and have come into a strange environment where you do n't belong to a family unit anymore .
2 The apostle Paul , answering the anxious questions of Christians whose loved ones had died , reminded them that Jesus ' own victory over death makes it certain that those who have come into a close relationship with him will share his new , full life which goes beyond the grave .
3 You have come into a classical company which makes sense of that training but what other ingredients do you think vital ?
4 ‘ Not that I have any wish to flatter you , but I have to admit that your sometimes acerbic comments have come as a welcome change .
5 Many of the proposals in the recent Inland Revenue consultative document , A Simpler System for Assessing Personal Tax ( see ACCOUNTANCY , December 1992 , p 129 ) , have come as a welcome step towards simplifying the tax collecting process — not least the proposed ending of the schedular machinery of assessment and the introduction of a self assessment system for individuals .
6 I tell him I am a writer and that I was robbed in Cuzco Airport and lost camera , films and all my writing , so I have come to a tranquil place to try to remember .
7 From this experience we have come to a new recognition of the marginalisation of North American cultural and ethnic groups .
8 Of course , many people concerned with language teaching have come to a similar conclusion .
9 TIMES may have been tough in recent years but matters have come to a fine pass when this distinguished theatre feels obliged to assemble a posse of actresses and two actors to perform what is basically a rather vulgar sketch and present it as a front length drama .
10 They have come to a full stop .
11 In the name of Allah , things have come to a pretty pass if the tabloids are influencing England 's selection policy .
12 But things have come to a pretty pass when obesity is confused with the wobbly bits the good Lord designed for girls — the bits that should stick out at the front and back of a strapless ballgown .
13 But that said we have come to no great conclusion .
14 Even if you are only seeing a few people there should be someone to greet them on arrival and make them feel they have come to the right place on the right day .
15 ‘ I have come to the right place , have I ?
16 Travelling by no track , I have come to the sorrowless land .
17 We have come to the clear conclusion that Parliament , in adopting the phrase ‘ office or employment , ’ intended section 16(1) of the Act of 1968 to have a wider impact than one confined to the narrow limits of a contract of service .
18 In the last section we have come to the interesting conclusion that B may alone exist of all our variables but we reached that conclusion on a magnet shape not much used in practice .
19 I have come to the same conclusion as many people who find that they have a potentially fatal disease .
20 But , as stated in Anderson v. The Queen , at p. 108 , per Lord Guest ‘ in cases of murder great care must be taken to see that there has been no miscarriage of justice ’ and the test , a strict one , has been described in Woolmington v. Director of Public Prosecutions [ 1935 ] A.C. 462 , 482–483 , per Viscount Sankey L.C. as whether ‘ if the jury had been properly directed they would have inevitably have come to the same conclusion ’ and in Stirland v. Director of Public Prosecutions [ 1944 ] A.C. 315 , 312 , per Viscount Simon L.C. , as involving ‘ a situation where a reasonable jury , after being properly directed , would , on the evidence properly admissible , without doubt convict . ’
21 I have come to the same conclusion that some a method of appointment is in fact right and it makes sense .
22 ‘ I 'm afraid you really have come to the wrong man .
23 You have come at the wrong time .
24 The charges against Mr Perez have come at an inconvenient moment , not only for him but also for Venezuela .
25 If you have come with a particular ache or pain , do not expect it to disappear straight away .
26 ‘ I have come on a scientific investigation to rectify the freak effect which brought those poor unfortunates , ’ he waved at the screen , ‘ to this forsaken place .
27 If I add that the majority of Cubists were formerly considered to be Fauves , I can demonstrate how far these young artists have come in a short time and the logic of their vision .
28 I ca n't believe how far I have come in the past couple of years .
29 Those who have been successful in their applications to the GEP have come from a wide range of backgrounds .
30 The South Americans have come from a five-nation tournament in Hamburg , where they beat Spain 2-1 and lost to Australia 3-2 .
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