Example sentences of "have already [verb] the [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When I get to the township , three women have already prepared the bread dough in a bucket .
2 Party leaders have already begun the damage limitation process by reasserting that their primary aim in the election was to begin the process of building for the future , and aides believe the party 's campaign will equip Mr Ashdown with greater status in the House of Commons .
3 Party leaders have already begun the damage limitation process by reasserting that their primary aim in the election was to begin the process of building for the future , and aides believe the party 's campaign will equip Mr Ashdown with greater status in the House of Commons .
4 Tables 6.2 and 6.3 have already illustrated the class skew of different papers , and the smaller age and gender skew .
5 United have already beaten the Merseyside team twice this season in the Cup and League .
6 I 'll be very , very brief erm we can not fall back the control of the country which even the highest rate of recycling that a number of them have already achieved the Government recycling target so now you 've aimed er , I think it 's something rich it more or less stands for er , I would see the role of the County is essentially is co-ordination between the various waste collection authorities through to the greater of the extense of
7 Thus we have already achieved the target figure for his district for this financial year and are behind our targets for other health districts .
8 Several potential witnesses have already called the incident room at Cheapside .
9 ‘ We have already booked the Hill Valley course in Shropshire for one of our fixtures and are now looking towards other reasonably-priced courses which will be able to accommodate us . ’
10 I have already signed the death warrant .
11 " In Several parts of the Country , they have already established the Herring Gauge Barril filled to the Brim as a proper measure by which Putatoes aught to be bought and sold , and that four fulls of the said Barril shou 'd constitute the Boll , but that in other quarters of the Countrey they are in use to Buy and Sell Putatoes by a Creel measure which is very uncertain .
12 They are drinking endless cups of coffee and have already thrown the room service menu out of the window .
13 Through George Wigg I became reasonably close to Richard Crossman who consulted me on a number of occasions — I have already described the Spectator libel case — but who , I must confess , turned out to be a disappointment to me , since the reputation he had earned for more than occasional unreliability I found to be entirely justified .
14 I have already described the Croydon Corporation case , which was the result of an epidemic of typhoid , and I have mentioned my long association with the Royal College of Psychiatrists , and the fact that my only medical qualification is as an honorary fellow of that college .
15 This task assumes you have already set the page size to A4 ( see Task 17 ) .
16 Tap the Down , key twice and the Right , key once each to select ( page ) width : 8.27 ″ , assuming you have already set the page size to A4 ( see Task 17 )
17 Around 1,000 customers have already rung the share information line on 0800 800434 .
18 We have already used the vector Xi to describe the position of a point in the material when referred to axes in the undeformed state and considered its transformation to a point xj on deformation .
19 We have already considered the tail-in circle , which can be performed in either direction .
20 I have already mentioned the reality orientation objective of the Cumbria project .
21 Five months before the appeal reaches its climax , Alex have already topped the £1,000 mark , and organisers say the sky is the limit .
22 However health officers say they have already slashed the waiting list and that children now face a maximum eight-week delay .
23 Greenhouse trials have already shown the reed bed potential in treating liquid effluent from this area and the pilot will enable more detailed studies to be carried out .
24 I have already quoted the Kingman Report 's description of ‘ the range of possible patterns of thought and feeling made accessible by the power and range of language ’ .
25 TEC directors have already persuaded the Home Office to hand them responsibility for smartening up the employment prospects of black and brown Britons .
26 For example , a person who applies for life assurance will be asked whether they have already had the HIV antibody test .
27 In truth , most good breeders have already graded the litter time and time again , long before you arrive .
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