Example sentences of "have so far [been] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There is also evidence of similar disparities in the sentencing practices of comparable Crown Courts in different parts of the country , though attempts to conduct more rigorous investigations of the kind described above have so far been met with judicial opposition and refusal to cooperate ( see Ashworth , 1994 ) .
2 Seven people have so far been charged with a variety of offences , a police source revealed yesterday .
3 With only four weeks of the season remaining , 10 people have so far been killed in avalanches in Switzerland against the national average of 37 during the winter months .
4 Only two species have so far been recorded in the deep N. Atlantic ; A. daleus ( Lyman , 1879 ) page 92 .
5 General courses have so far been defined in mainly negative terms , as ones which are neither geared to a specific external profession or occupation nor provide a specialized preparation for postgraduate research and , implicitly , an academic career .
6 Quality Circles have received a lot of attention in the media over the last three years but , in general , studies of Circles have so far been limited to subjective analysis by interested parties .
7 More than 4,000 tickets have so far been sold for next month 's event which will have as it 's feature bout the fight between Nigel Benn and Italian Mauro Galvano .
8 The decennial census data which have so far been published in accordance with the 100-year closure rule provide unique information on social patterns and mores .
9 Even if the contribution of bronchial asthma to cause of death is interpreted generously — for example , part I of the death certificate states death from asthma and part II states chronic obstructive airways disease — only 63 of 100 deaths have so far been found to be attributable to asthma .
10 Prizes for painting have so far been awarded to de Kooning and Hockney ( jointly ) , to Tàpies , Balthus and this year to Soulages ; in sculpture Mastroianni , Pomodoro , Chillida and this year Caro ( did Signor Fanfani think Caro a third Italian , I wonder ? ) .
11 This Government have implemented all 18 of the social measures that have so far been agreed under the social charter , which is more than can be said of a lot of our Community partners .
12 Although I have so far been concentrating on Thomist interpretations of existence , there have been equally profound examinations in Buddhist and Moslem tradition , and in the modern day by existentialist writers , some of whom are religious and some of whom are not .
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