Example sentences of "were prepared [to-vb] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We , as a society , could learn from that , and , if we regarded the birth of every disabled child as a precious gift and were prepared to provide the necessary resources to the children and their parents to allow these gifts to develop , then perhaps we would be spared the distressing sight of individual and groups of parents pursuing the latest fashionable cure for their child 's blindness , deafness or other disability at whatever cost to themselves , their families and friends .
2 At the time , moreover , there were those who were prepared to challenge the glowing claims by spokesmen for city institutions before the Radcliffe enquiry [ Day , 1954 ; Radcliffe , 1959 ; Shonfield , 1959 ] .
3 Milgram found that twenty-six of his forty volunteers — 65 per cent — were prepared to administer the maximum shock to a stranger in these circumstances .
4 While men like Thomas Howard , Duke of Norfolk , and Stephen Gardiner , Bishop of Winchester , were prepared to accept the royal supremacy , they baulked at these evangelical reforms , which in their view smacked of heresy and threatened to lead England into the Lutheran camp .
5 If , as the Minister says , we recouped so much money on the Gulf war , may I ask him to explain why the Ministry of Defence is being so mean and tight-fisted towards some of those who were prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice during that war ?
6 The Party had adopted the principle of complete control over its Parliamentary spokesmen , but the stage had been reached where the MPs were prepared to re-enter the Labour Party rather than be instructed on their actions .
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