Example sentences of "been able [verb] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Because of my very varied upbringing I have found that I have never been able to analyse the political effects of any discrimination .
2 She had even been able to effect an imperfect superimposition of her reality upon his own .
3 It was a full day later before Schmidt had been able to form a coherent sentence , though his words still came in a low , wracked whisper .
4 Even if I had no longer been able to see the real images in my mind I could see their representations as clearly as if they hung before me , and the two were beginning to run together .
5 There were wall-sized French windows through which she would in daylight have been able to see the back garden .
6 Shanti has always been able to see the funny side of a situation .
7 In the US on the other hand , firms have not been able to realize the potential advantage of overlapping .
8 Paul Lexington Productions had been able to mount The Hooded Owl at Taunton , but had been unable to bring it into town without Bobby Anscombe 's support .
9 Plagued by years of opencast development in their areas some local communities have been able to mount an effective campaign against individual applications .
10 The office gossip had been quite useful in reassuring him on that point , and he had been able to view the uncomfortable ride in the lift with them in an encouraging new light .
11 While the power of dismissal may be of limited use , where the government has been able to appoint a new rail chairman , it has the opportunity to shape a management team more in tune with its thinking .
12 In a strange way , she felt cleansed , as though she 'd been able to strip the dark places away from her soul .
13 INTERNATIONAL terrorism has been able to exploit the natural competitiveness and secretiveness of Europe 's counter-intelligence organisations .
14 Employees have been able to take a direct stake in the newly privatised companies .
15 But we both know , although I have n't said it , that the consequence of her unfaithfulness is that I have been able to take the high ground .
16 He would not have been able to put a precise age on the skeleton .
17 Widespread dissatisfaction over the quality of justice might eventually be to the king 's loss , although rulers may often have been able to manipulate the legal system to their advantage with relative impunity .
18 where Trevor Rowley has been able to explain the many routeways as a reflection of the straker routes of commoners herding animals from lowland settlements to upland pastures .
19 With the consequence of the Falklands still exerting its potency , the economy showing distinct signs of recuperation , and inflation falling fast , Mrs Thatcher had been able to call an early election .
20 Using its patented Low Pressure Casting technique , Cosworth has been able to incorporate a high degree of stiffness in the compact unit .
21 By this stage the airlines had been able to restore a basic service by recruiting new pilots , persuading pilots out of retirement and persuading some to return to work on individual contracts .
22 A further major problem is that voluntary organizations have hitherto been able to choose the particular client group within the field on which they wish to focus .
23 ( Had ninth-century rulers really been able to collect a generalised army-tax , their armies would surely have been very much larger than they clearly were . )
24 This involvement has meant that the school has been able to open a new technology suite — pictured above .
25 Despite his subsequent recovery to something like his old form , Fox has n't quite been able to stop the shrinking process .
26 It is the first time the players have been able to field a large cast of nine for a serious production , with some 20 members involved in all .
27 Some of the more recent studies , which have been able to use a longer data set , have found evidence that the absolute size of mispricings has declined over time .
28 seventy five degrees I mean , and it was really cold and when we got back it was cold as well , it 's only the last four weeks that we 've been able to use the outdoor pools again
29 Had the county council been able to use the final figures , the dwelling requirements at the end of the projection period would have been somewhat lower than the figure that we have produced .
30 Older women are less likely to remarry than younger women ( Ermisch , 1989 , pp. 50–1 ) and are consequently at risk of poverty in old age unless , unusually , they have been able to generate an adequate income through their own resources .
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