Example sentences of "n't see [pron] in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd closed my eyes while she was cutting so I could n't see myself in the mirror .
2 ‘ I did n't see him in the alleyway .
3 I did n't see him in the evenings , though , unless there was a hospital party or something . ’
4 Well I ca n't see them in the negotiating when he knows what 's going on .
5 You ca n't see them in the basket . ’
6 Many of them died because drivers simply did n't see them in the dark or poor visibility .
7 The audience wo n't see me in the sequence .
8 I ca n't see her in the dark , but from the hushed swell of her breathing I could draw you the map of her body .
9 Ferried fighting in the air but we do n't see it in the cities .
10 And whilst you probably ca n't see it in the air .
11 So I phoned them again and er they took it down and then I did n't see it in the paper again so when I phoned again and said why have n't you put it in she said well , of course , she said , if you pay two pounds she said two pound fifty
12 You do n't see it in the blackness , but feel it on the face .
13 Did n't see you in the boozer Gav et .
14 He could n't see anybody in the alley .
15 At first he could n't see anything in the semi-darkness .
16 She could n't see anything in the corner .
17 He could n't see anything in the room and could n't hear any shouts or screams .
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