Example sentences of "n't see [pron] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Since nuclear power stations are no longer the easiest route to nuclear weapons , I do n't see myself as a double-headed monster .
2 ‘ It 's full speed ahead for the seasons , and , if I can , I work 12 or 14 hours a day then , because otherwise I ca n't see myself through the quiet times .
3 She was still searching for the right words to describe how she felt when he suddenly got up and went to meet more guests , and she did n't see him for a long time .
4 I said I did n't go out with married men and did n't see him in a romantic way . ’
5 One ca n't see him in an ambassadorial role at all can one ?
6 I 've looked with binoculars and I ca n't see them with the naked eye .
7 ‘ I just do n't see her as a full-time mother … ’
8 I did n't want Mary to go because I thought I would n't see her for a long time , and I ran over to her and pleaded .
9 Yeah , we with this been ongoing , we 've given a hundred and fifty pounds to it , erm , well I say I do n't see it on the top one .
10 We do n't see it as a major problem to the properties around the green .
11 I did n't and could n't see it as a progressive condition which was bound to culminate in some sort of breakdown or breakthrough .
12 We do n't see it as a bad quality in women to put themselves down , we see it as a good one .
13 ‘ But tell me , dear boy , I do n't see you as a regular Informer reader ? ’
14 ‘ Some'ow I ca n't see you in a woolly 'at an' bedsocks . ’
15 Someone around her — she could n't see who in the dark forest of heads and frame-bags — was talking a different language .
16 At first we could n't see anything on the white backing but then Eadred brought across a candle , held it near the page , not quite close enough to scorch , and sea-green writing began to appear .
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