Example sentences of "which result [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some schemes did not distinguish between the two terms , others preferred " investigations " , for the open-ended problems , and " problem " for a situation which results in a predetermined answer .
2 Thus ideology is a set of beliefs and values which provides a way of seeing and interpreting the world which results in a partial view of reality .
3 Sometimes the wet ink which is sprayed on to a horizontal board can spread out sideways , which results in a reasonably-uniform layer in the middle of the board , but an excessively thick border of ink around the edges of the board .
4 Criminal Justice Act 1982 , s. 1B(5) provides that if a sentence of detention in a young offender institution is passed on a juvenile which results in a total term of detention exceeding 12 months ' , any excess over 12 months ' is remitted and the sentence takes effect as a term of 12 months ' detention in a young offender institution .
5 In numerical terms , the nursing workforce renews itself every six years which results in a large population of nurses who are not practising within the NHS .
6 A candidate for the degree of DPhil is expected , in addition , to complete successfully a programme of work which results in a significant contribution to knowledge .
7 Sometimes the channel is direct , and the goods sold are incorporated into a manufacturing process which results in a different end-product .
8 Insertion where an extra nucleotide is inserted into the DNA which results in an altered RNA and an incorrect protein .
9 The answers to these questions allow us to design and cost a detailed mains layout , which results in an accurate sum for the customer 's
10 My colleagues and I actually take no pleasure in agreeing to a rent increase which results in the highest public sector rates among our neighbouring districts er it is some eighteen percent higher than the average of eight local councils .
11 Following a casualty which results in the total loss of a vessel the remains of which are causing an obstruction or a danger to other shipping , the Policyholder may be requested by a Harbour Master or Receiver of Wrecks to remove the vessel .
12 Kilns at the Maltings are used at the end of the malting process to dry the green malt gently with warm air which results in the high quality malted barley dispatched by to breweries and distilleries world-wide .
13 All , though much preoccupied with perception , are silent on the paradox in perceiving which results from a chicken-egg situation , namely , that we can only perceive what we attend to , and we can only attend to what we perceive .
14 Global ventricular dilatation , which results from a progressive increase in myocyte length with sarcomere recruitment and resulting hypertrophy of the non-infarcted myocardium , continues for a long time .
15 The point here is that we do not have an applicable criterion of a correct verdict other than the one which results from a fair trial ( Rawls , 1972 , pp. 83–9 ) .
16 Independent of this physical cause there exists always one more or less contrary evil to the cure of maladies in any Hospital whatever which results from the great number of sick assembled in one place , the bodies of which occasion emanations which alters more or less the wholesomeness of the air , but this cause may in some manner be done away with by the great cleanliness of the Stables and fumigations that might be performed from time to time …
17 The payments are made pursuant to a perceived obligation to pay which results from the combined presumption of constitutional validity of duly enacted legislation and the holding out of such validity by the legislature .
18 The payments are made pursuant to a perceived obligation to pay which results from the combined presumption of constitutional validity of duly enacted legislation and the holding out of such validity by the legislature .
19 The end result is an impression of the surface of the fabric , now disintegrated , maintained in the form of a metal compound which results from the chemical composition of the adjacent object .
20 She recalled a recent appeal for a Lithuanian translation which resulted in a hasty phone call to the embassy in London .
21 Thanks , initially , to Winckelmann , Greece and thereby the whole ancient world took on a new fascination which resulted in a new kind of scholar with a new kind of scholarly aim : the reconstruction of antiquity in all its real detail .
22 It led to the publication in 1936 of The General Theory of Interest , Employment and Money by J.M. Keynes , a Cambridge don , which revolutionised conventional economics and which resulted in a new approach to the conduct of economic policy .
23 The initial poll , which resulted in a 713-711 vote in favour of a split from local authority control , was ruled ‘ unsafe ’ by Mr Patten .
24 However , ever since an incident with a chicken which resulted in a bald-arsed chicken and a dog with a mouthful of feathers , I 've kept him on a lead whenever I 've been near a farmyard .
25 ‘ The debt burden which resulted in a net transfer of over US$30 billion in 1986 to the industrialised countries from the developing where well over 800 million people live in poverty and misery ( beyond any rational definition of human decency ) , in which over 40,000 children die every day from malnutrition and disease , in which 2/3 of the world 's people live — is a scandal ’
26 In effect , ‘ word got round ’ the user networks that these regimes were a ‘ joke ’ which resulted in a noticeable drop in the referral rate .
27 Charlotte Fischer , the new J.C.R. Sports Captain , organised weekly fun runs for Somervillians which resulted in a general increase in fitness and well being .
28 I shall not forget how your husband helped a new and inexperienced Head to see what was wrong with the school 's Art Room , helped also in pressing in the right quarter , for its improvement — all of which resulted in a much-needed tonic for the Art teaching in the school .
29 In 1867 , the young scholar 's career was temporarily interrupted by a period of military service which resulted in a serious chest injury .
30 Around a fifth of the increase was taken up in greater activity , which resulted in a sharp fall in unemployment .
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