Example sentences of "which [was/were] set [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 B. Each town has a few factories , most of which were set up during the last 40 years .
2 Parisians saw the shape of things to come in the wooden triangulation towers which were set up throughout the city .
3 It was generosity and wisdom I was after when I climbed up the steps to her small office which was set apart from the larger huts in the forest clearing .
4 A third dummy was in a seated position on the fourth chair which was set away from the table .
5 We kept guard against the security forces and helped in the communal kitchen which was set up for the support committee .
6 With much wider powers than its predecessor , the Secondary Examinations Council ( SEC ) , SEAC is also heir to the recommendations of another of the Secretary of State 's ad hoc working parties , the Task Group on Assessment and Testing ( TGAT ) which was set up at the same time as the first curriculum working groups and , like them , worked under enormous pressure to produce proposals for the assessment of the National Curriculum .
7 A parliamentary commission investigating the activities of the security services within the Federal Military Department ( EMD ) ( primarily P-26 — which was set up at the time of the Cold War to provide resistance in case of invasion — and the extraordinary secret service P-27 ) presented its report on Nov. 23 , 1990 .
8 If the Church Commissioners subsequently agree to seal a Declaration of Redundancy , advice is sought on the future of the building from the Advisory Board for Redundant Churches , a national body which was set up under the Pastoral Measure .
9 Its London frontbenchers work as a team , backed by a campaign committee which was set up under the chairmanship of the shadow Commons leader , Jack Cunningham , after bad local-election results in London a year ago — and which produced the London manifesto .
10 The Occupational Pensions Board , which was set up under the 1973 Social Security Act to monitor and establish minimum standards for private occupational pension schemes , was asked to consider the question of equal status for men and women in occupational pension schemes in 1975 .
11 I am glad to confirm that the disabled persons transport advisory committee , which was set up under the Transport Act 1985 , exists to provide exactly the voice for which the Hon. Member called .
12 Bric-a-brac was donated and sold on the stall which was set up in the factory canteen .
13 The future of Lothar and his supporters was settled when Louis met them at Blois in September : The emperor sat in his pavilion which was set up in the middle of a wide field on a hill where the whole army could see him , and his faithful sons [ Pippin and Louis ] stood beside him .
14 Darlington Wildlife Trust is the latest branch of the Durham trust , which was set up in the Sixties .
15 Ms Ela Robinson , who is in charge of the nursery class at Richmond CE School , is chairman of the National Campaign for Nursery Education , which was set up in the Sixties .
16 In the same year in the UK the Review Committee on Education for Information Use , which was set up by the British Library Research and Development Department ( BLR&DD ) in 1974 , was recommending that :
17 The first meeting takes place this week and I am asked to make a presentation to the Committee which was set up by the minister of finance . ’
18 The Working Party on Internal Migration in Britain , which was set up by the Institute of British Geographers in l988 , aims at the better understanding of the patterns , causes and implications of migration in Britain .
19 The new draft allowed permanent government officials to hold Cabinet posts concurrently ; gave the NLA , which was set up by the military , the power to nominate senators ; and gave senators , along with MPs , the right to screen candidates for the premiership , and to launch no confidence motions against the government .
20 Staffing allotment will be 654 for England , 225 for Wales , 385 for Scotland and 86 for the joint UK Nature Conservation Committee , which was set up by the Department of Environment to provide a central voice for the NCC .
21 My hon. Friend 's second criticism of the way in which the scheme has worked is that the £24 million budget which was set aside for the two financial years — and I emphasise two years — 1989-91 was underspent .
22 In about the middle of the eighteenth century , John Zoffany , a portrait painter , arrived in England , and although not regularly accepted at first , he became friendly with Garrick and other actors which lifted his prospects , so he took a lease of a house called ‘ London Style ’ , which was set back from the north bank of the River Thames , just east of Kew Bridge , but later his wife and children occupied a house on the river front on Strand-on-the-Green , which house was named after the painter .
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