Example sentences of "which [vb past] be established [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 However , CODESA II , which brought together the government , ANC and 17 other organizations , ended in deadlock and delegates failed to adopt any of the reports of the five working parties which had been established at the first CODESA session in December 1991 [ see pp. 38662-63 ; 38705 ] .
2 The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA ) signed an historic commercial agreement with the Russian Space Agency on June 18 , the basis for which had been established at the June summit between US President George Bush and Russian President Boris Yeltsin [ see pp. 38985-86 ] .
3 The Jesuit order , which had been established as the intellectual vanguard of the Church , made many enemies ; but its educational institutions were greatly admired .
4 In addition to which , the Labour Party was facing the anguish of having to adjust its attitude towards peace and disarmament , commitments which had been established in the wake of the First World War , when faced with the threat of European fascism and the Spanish Civil War .
5 President Ronald Reagan 's appointment of three conservative justices had created a five-four conservative majority which had resulted in the erosion of a number of liberal precedents , most notably the constitutional right of women to obtain abortions which had been established in the 1973 landmark decision Roe v. Wade [ for which see also below ] .
6 A major worry to Mrs Thatcher and the Treasury was the future of the State Earnings Related Pensions ( SERPS ) which had been established by the Labour government in 1975 .
7 In 1973 it confirmed its support of the Palestine Patriotic Front ( successor to the short-lived National Guidance Committee ) , which had been established by the Palestine ( previously Jordan ) Communist Party .
8 The Court advised that the exclusive power of referral to arbitration belonged to the Mixed Commission , which had been established by the parties as a separate legal entity with specified functions .
9 This opposition — most vigorous in Britain and the US — to the extension of social rights as an essential feature of democracy will be considered more fully later ( see Chapter 6 ) , together with various countervailing movements which have found expression in the modest proposals of the European Community for a ‘ social charter ’ , and increasingly in the demands of new socialist parties and allied groups in the East European countries for the safeguarding of those important rights which had been established by the former regimes .
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