Example sentences of "which [verb] come [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If the business has different sections or different sites , you should enquire whether all its employees have been considered for redundancy or whether your particular part of the operation is the only one which has come under scrutiny for cut-backs .
2 Another analogous body which has come into existence within the last year or so is the National Consultative Committee for Agriculture Education ( NCCAE ) .
3 The phrase ‘ a different voice ’ , which has come to sere as a popular and psychological shorthand for her conclusions , has important but ambivalent significances for psychology and feminism .
4 With regard to liturgy , these canons demanded the retention of a number of procedures which had come under attack from Puritans , such as the use of the surplice , kneeling to receive communion , and the inclusion of the sign of the cross and godparents in the baptism ceremony .
5 Russia 's position , which had come under pressure in the CSCE summit in July [ see p. 39031 ] , appeared to be softening when at a meeting with his Baltic counterparts on Aug. 6 Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev proposed a 1994 withdrawal date .
6 But on the other hand this hostility to the new God was not an original reaction either ; it had its prototype in a hostile impulse against his father , which had come into existence under the influence of the anxiety-dream [ concerning wolves and mentioned earlier in the analysis ] , and it was at bottom only a revival of that impulse .
7 The applicants , Coventry Newspapers Ltd. , ( ‘ C.N.L. ’ ) , defendants in a libel action brought against them by David Woodley and Roger Clifford , sought ( 1 ) a declaration that C.N.L. were at liberty to receive from Michael Thomas Bromell copies of all such witness statements , notes , notebooks and other documents which had come into existence in the course of an investigation by the Police Complaints Authority into the conduct of David Woodley and Roger Clifford as had been read to or by the Court of Appeal ( Criminal Division ) or had been referred to in open court during the hearing of Reg. v. Bromell ( unreported ) , 22 June 1992 , C.A. , on a reference , dated 10 May 1991 , of his case by the Home Secretary under section 17(1) ( a ) of the Criminal Appeal Act 1968 ; and/or ( 2 ) variation of the implied undertaking pursuant to which Michael Thomas Bromell had received the documents under the order of the Court of Appeal ( Criminal Division ) on 9 July 1991 , so as to permit him to disclose copies of all such documents described in ( 1 ) above to C.N.L. for the purpose of defending the libel action .
8 This has a clear relationship with Pius XI 's teaching , eight years earlier on the same subject : ‘ the very fountainhead from which the State draws its life , namely , wedlock and the family ’ ( 1929 : 14 ) , and with the dispositions of the then current Code of Canon Law which had come into effect in 1917 : ‘ The marriage of baptized persons is governed not only by divine law but also by church law .
9 The principal factor working to the disadvantage of the Conservatives in the by-election was the unpopularity of the community charge ( poll tax ) which had come into effect in England and Wales in April 1990 [ see p. 37329 and below ] .
10 The civil war in Yugoslavia continued throughout December , as the ceasefire brokered by the UN , which had come into force on Nov. 23 , broke down .
11 AT US insistence the existing agreement , which had come into force in 1987 , had already been stripped of its provisions to intervene in the market .
12 Now in the Black Sea region the dynasty , which had come to power after the Persian Wars , ruled a principality centred on Pantikapaion until 438 , when they were succeeded by a new one founded by one Spartokos ( Diod. xi.31 ) .
13 On May 10 the government of Gro Harlem Brundtland , which had come to power in November 1990 [ see p. 37868 ] , announced a three-year infrastructure spending package to revive economic growth and reduce unemployment .
14 The first major demonstration against the three-party ruling coalition which had come to power in April 1990 [ see p. 37380 ] erupted in September 1990 .
15 The centre-right minority government which had come to office in October [ see p. 38542 ] proposed major expenditure cuts in the 1992-93 budget introduced on Jan. 10 .
16 European stock markets were stronger , with market operators relieved that Wall Street did not repeat Tuesday 's sharp 83-point drop , which had come in reaction to early indications of what Mr Clinton had in mind .
17 The majority of English words of more than one syllable ( polysyllabic words ) have come from other languages whose way of constructing words is easily recognisable ; for example , we can see how combining ‘ mit ’ with the prefixes ‘ per- ’ , ‘ sub- ’ , ‘ com- ’ produced ‘ permit ’ , ‘ submit ’ , ‘ commit ’ , words which have come into English from Latin .
18 ‘ Perhaps , ’ I can hear my readers saying , ‘ but you can not possibly suppose that all the totalitarian states which have come into existence in times ancient and modern have been the result of faulty socialization and nothing more . ’
19 : The IMF signs 98 agreements with developing countries , including all the big debtor countries which have come to Washington for help .
20 Geographically , Vietnam and Cuba are remote from the Soviet Union , and their ruling élites are cohesive entities which have come to power through their own efforts .
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