Example sentences of "an [adv] [adj] level [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Overall levels of education and of skills are lower , our institutions are coping only fitfully with modern conditions and there is an unsafely low level of investment .
2 I suspect that your desire to write a letter about beating children reflects an especially high level of interest in the subject .
3 The work load on every flight is variable and can be increased to an extremely high level on contact with unexpected or stressful conditions .
4 Hamburg enjoys an extremely high level of film subsidy - approximately £6 million a year , or three times the sum available in Britain .
5 This is especially true if you are playing a sport such as squash , where an extremely high level of stamina is needed right from the very beginning .
6 The Faculty has an extremely high level of research activity , and is one of the largest recipients in Britain of ESRC and other Research Council funds .
7 The cost of land drainage or irrigation , buildings and other fixed capital equipment , machinery and livestock means that a farm business has an extremely high level of capitalisation relative to the returns which can be obtained .
8 Evolution was not an absolutely continuous process because the crucial episodes in which life had advanced to an entirely new level of development could not be represented as extensions of the more predictable kind of evolution taking place within established groups .
9 Denying the distinctions between nature and nurture and biology and ideology , he calls for ‘ an entirely new level of causation ’ based on the complex interactions between the biology of living organisms and their environment .
10 It is not difficult to show that even an apparently high level of detail in a criterion does not specify the test items unequivocally .
11 Because , perhaps surprisingly to its critics , the survey reveals lawyers are achieving an impressively high level of client satisfaction .
12 One word of warning though : if you are someone whose daily life involves a strong competitive element , you would do well to avoid too much in the way of competitive sport ( squash , tennis and so on ) as your form of exercise as these will only tend to maintain an already high level of stress .
13 In the United Kingdom many midwives , obstetricians , and mothers would consider this an unacceptably high level of intervention in an otherwise normal physiological process .
14 At an evenly balanced level of stress your performance will be high and you will be :
15 The 20 tonnes of lead in the batteries has been found to have an immeasurably low level of background radiation .
16 Defence could muster cogent arguments to maintain an unusually high level of expenditure .
17 ( This , despite an uncomfortably high level of tape hiss on the RCA tapes . )
18 Running under Digital Research 's GEM environment it provides an almost uncanny level of control over both simple and compound documents .
19 In the more marginal areas , most notably Seoul and its surrounding Kyonggi province , the DP secured an unexpectedly high level of support ; it won 25 of the 44 directly elected seats in the capital , compared with 16 for the DLP and two for the UNP .
20 Firms might hold such stocks so that when faced with an unexpectedly high level of demand they can meet it without recourse to a sharp and possibly very costly increase in production .
21 For other groups the authors note that the overall marginal tax rate was at an historically high level in excess of 60 per cent .
22 People frequently get into difficulties with this age group by trying to think through the consequences of suggestions before trying them out , which requires an inappropriately sophisticated level of thought on the part of the children .
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