Example sentences of "she turned [conj] [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Then acting like a fifteen-year-old girl now , she turned and ran along the path , around the ornamental clock , and kept running until she reached the east gate of the park .
2 She turned and ran into the hall , already beginning to laugh at her foolishness .
3 She turned and lunged into the crumbling bank with the torch until it lodged and held still , focused upon the motionless bulk below .
4 The duvet wound itself around her as she turned and stretched in the big bed , her limbs languid with heat .
5 Distress caused her eyes to brim with tears , and , furious with her own weakness , she turned and went to the inner office window , where she stared through a blur at the tree-sheltered chalets .
6 She turned and went into the room again with Lee following her .
7 She turned and went from the room .
8 She turned and walked towards the foot of the stairs .
9 Then she turned and walked towards the deep end , turned again and did a perfect back flip , hardly denting the surface and coming up into a smooth breaststroke only a few feet away from me .
10 She turned and darted into the cabin , trying to slam the door even as Mandy squeezed in behind her .
11 She turned and vanished into the kitchen .
12 Seeing movement among the trees at the far end of the stone-flagged path , she turned and signalled to the maids to be quiet .
13 A little thrill of anticipation ran along her skin as she turned and looked into the eyes of the man who 'd watched her with such intensity during the fashion show .
14 The child stared towards it as if in recognition of something held in memory ; then she turned and looked at the old woman , who was sitting on the couch unlacing her boots , and she said , ‘ You have a garden . ’
15 It was so seldom that Aggie heard herself addressed by her surname that she turned and looked at the nun , but the woman 's eyelids were lowered as if in shame ; then she inclined her head towards the woman sitting behind the desk before turning and closing the door quietly behind her .
16 She turned and looked at the distant figure of Dorcas and her eyes narrowed .
17 She turned and looked towards the house door .
18 She turned and looked towards the child , who was sitting hugging a doll .
19 She turned and leant against the edge of the parapet , so that we were facing opposite ways , and came to a decision .
20 Almost thrusting the child away , she turned and stamped from the room , banging the door behind her ; and , had not the Mother Superior moved quickly round the table and caught Millie 's hand , the child would have followed her .
21 The last thing she saw , before she turned and flew up the stairs , was the embarrassment on Bob Calder 's face — and the shock on the face of Sofia Valenti , who stood huddled in a shadowed corner .
22 Coming to a decision , she turned and hurried down the stairs .
23 She turned and bounded up the stairs , slamming the door behind her .
24 She turned and started for the door .
25 Then she turned and fled from the dance floor , pushing her way between the smooching couples and heading for the Ladies , a box of a room with pegs lining two walls , a flyblown mirror over a grubby cracked china sink and two cubicles .
26 But the sound she now made in her throat brought both Aggie and Ben 's eyes on her , and as she turned and fled from the room and Ben made to go after her , Aggie 's voice halted him , saying firmly , ‘ Leave her be !
27 Half in panic , half in the laughter of release , she turned and turned on the same spot .
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