Example sentences of "she have [verb] herself [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Sassenach Lilly Meaham is so terrified of bagpipes she has to lock herself in the loo every Hogmanay .
2 She has valued herself as a beauty , and now that her looks have departed she is left with nothing :
3 For the past five years she has devoted herself to the United Nations Children 's Fund and became its ambassador in an effort to help the world 's sick and starving children .
4 In some ways she was very unsuited to this life — indeed she has described herself as a ‘ misfit ’ in Baldersdale .
5 When Deckard asks his wife why she has programmed herself for a ‘ six hour self-accusatory depression ’ , she says
6 She has busied herself in the promotion of senior civil servants ( looking for people with energy and commitment ) and regularly badgered departments about progress on particular policies — ‘ like a dog after a bone ’ an adviser claims .
7 She 'd treated herself to the new dress , from the boutique recommended by Anneliese .
8 She 'd flattened herself against the outside wall like someone in a spy movie .
9 She 'd found herself on the receiving end of a great deal of teasing about her impromptu topless dip in the sea and her valiant rescuer , and she 'd fenced it as calmly as she could .
10 The thoughtful echo rang in her ears long after she 'd buried herself beneath the bed cover in the privacy of her room , and yearned for the oblivion of sleep .
11 How could she have got herself into a mess like this ?
12 She had soiled herself to the point of revulsion by submitting to his pawing in the public street — as shameless as the casual coupling of two dogs .
13 After her husband 's death she had borne herself with a mournful dignity which had done her standing no harm , and taken the funeral food to the tomb herself with a regularity and devotion which would have shamed women lamenting better-loved partners .
14 Even so , she had hidden herself in the claustrophobic cabin , afraid she might be recognized .
15 ‘ Kirsty MacColl bollocked me about that gay thing , right , because she had to defend herself to the people she knew saying , ‘ Look , Shaun ai n't like that . ’
16 During our work with this widow , whose husband had died very unexpectedly , it turned out that since the time of his death until the time she contacted us , she had kept herself in a state of perpetual motion between her house and that of her son who lived some fifty miles away .
17 Teri has given up going to New Year 's Eve parties after she had to lock herself in the kitchen with loads of middle aged ladies hammering on the door .
18 But her wounds had begun to heal and yesterday she had felt herself on the verge of a promising beginning — an uphill struggle , perhaps , but a definite move towards new happiness .
19 A serving-maid to all intents and purposes , she had presented herself at the door which gave access to the rear stairs , the garden stairs , which led to the royal apartments .
20 It had little effect and she had to force herself into the driving seat and begin the return journey .
21 She worked throughout this period , but it was here , she says , that she knew she had disassociated herself from the University too much .
22 But , after a while , she had to excuse herself from the discussions to express some milk and Laura was furious .
23 But once the business had been established and the initial problems of setting it up had been dealt with , she had found herself with a certain amount of time at her disposal , time to relax , time to remember .
24 Once she suddenly landed up in hospital for what was not an emergency ; several times she had found herself in a new home ; and on one occasion she had arrived in another country with a new ‘ father ’ — all without warning or previous explanation .
25 She had found herself in the safe nook between Fenna 's sail-like wing and the crenellated and fantastic fortress of his spine .
26 The walls were maroon and the carpet was purple and the effect was expensive , but Lee felt as depressed as if she had found herself in the smelly hallway of a neglected and deprived residence .
27 In the bedroom she had done everything that Tom Horrocks had bidden her , reflexively , without panic ; yet she had known herself for the first time up against the frailty of the human organism — ; the mess of it , the degradation .
28 She had promoted herself into the film 's second editor , and slowed it down to normal at the bits she liked , and thought we would appreciate .
29 The memories persisted , until she had worked herself into a peevish bout of self-pity , which was not improved by her discovery when she reached home that Hank had not shovelled the snow off the front walk before leaving for school .
30 Fei Yen was looking down , the p'ip'a resting loosely against her breasts , her whole frame bent forward , as if she had emptied herself with the song .
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