Example sentences of "she walk [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She walked across the strange tarmac .
2 She walked across the semicircular pod bay towards the monitor station , sealed behind a transparent partition .
3 Fran took a deep breath then opened the door , willing her legs to support her as she walked across the weed-strewn gravel towards him .
4 The eighteen year old woman was grabbed by a man in his thirties as she walked down the isolated track .
5 As she walked down the tree-lined road in the pitch black she managed to suppress her fear of the dark .
6 She walked towards the closed door .
7 Matt , thought Sara , as she walked towards the Black Lion .
8 Getting quickly to her feet , she walked along the tiny hall to the back room .
9 As she walked along the High Street , these thoughts had infiltrated her mind like the scouts of an advancing army of depression and self-pity .
10 The fifteen year old victim told police she was assaulted a year ago as she walked along the High Street in Oxford .
11 He left her at the large ornate gate , and she walked up the short drive to the front door .
12 She walked past the crowded beach and the café .
13 She walked past the rowdy pub which had been described and up a hill of council houses fish boned with fake shutters , gardens spattered by gnomes , and windmills that whirled with weather .
14 Katherine , as she walked through the enlarged sweep of the living room with its creamy raw silk textures , its mix of low-slung sofas and older more ornately curved chairs , was radiant with satisfaction .
15 The first person she met when she walked through the backstage door was Josh , and , if the situation had n't been so terrible , his expression — which somehow managed to combine outrage , amazement and sheer blessed relief — would have been positively comical .
16 ‘ What a disgusting thing to do , ’ she said aloud , as she walked through the silent house , picking up two items of Nick 's clothing from where he had flung them almost into the utility room .
17 She walked through the large hall , her footsteps echoing off the stone-flagged floor , but then she suddenly stopped .
18 Without waiting to be shown , she walked through the primitive kitchen and on to a small balcony perched perilously above the red-tiled roofs of the houses below .
19 She walked through the open window to the balcony .
20 Elisabeth was awed by the intensity of feeling awakened in her as she walked through the primeval forest , alone .
21 Hussa was a large , enveloping woman with a large , enveloping sense of humour ; she walked with the rolling gait of a shore-bound sailor and her veils had such a haphazard permanence , you felt they were an outgrowth of her personality rather than a covering .
22 Quite glad to abandon what was turning out to be a very wet hunt , she walked with the little girl back to the hotel .
23 More hurt , bewildered and confused than she would ever have believed possible such a short time ago , she walked into the dark cottage and up to bed .
24 As she walked into the big sitting-room , Mike Booker walked into the suite again .
25 Satisfied , she walked to the back door of the kiosk , flinging it wide open to let the sunshine in. for a moment , she leaned against the doorpost , taking in deep breaths of that heady seaside mixture of salt , ozone and rotting seaweed .
26 She walked by the tiny marina , where the halyards jingled on the masts of the half dozen boats that were berthed there .
27 She walked behind the main counter to the flap that could be lifted to give access to the shop itself and , leaning on her forearms , looked down on to her weekly customers and asked , ‘ Well then , what is it to be ? ’
28 In the mornings she walked in the formal garden .
29 In a towering rage , her orders her to be tortured ; unbowed and defiant , she walks towards the red-hot furnace upstage , as the curtain falls .
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