Example sentences of "she [verb] [prep] the [adj] door " in BNC.

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1 She tottered through the open door .
2 She hopped to the open door to make sure her voice followed him .
3 She peered through the open door .
4 She bolted through the open door , and all the time dreaded the touch of his hand on her shoulder , stopping her .
5 With these good intentions in mind , she entered by the low door , bending to avoid hitting her head on the lintel .
6 When he reappeared she gestured through the open door .
7 She came through the front door of the shop and was a little surprised at not seeing her husband behind the counter .
8 She nodded towards the far door .
9 She walked towards the closed door .
10 The first person she met when she walked through the backstage door was Josh , and , if the situation had n't been so terrible , his expression — which somehow managed to combine outrage , amazement and sheer blessed relief — would have been positively comical .
11 Satisfied , she walked to the back door of the kiosk , flinging it wide open to let the sunshine in. for a moment , she leaned against the doorpost , taking in deep breaths of that heady seaside mixture of salt , ozone and rotting seaweed .
12 Fearing a tragedy of epic proportions — her mind leapt at once to Penini and then to Miss Arabel — she knocked on the open door and Mr Browning came through from the other room , so haggard and drawn in contrast to his morning self that once more she was convinced something dreadful had happened .
13 ‘ Keep in touch , ’ she called as the huge door rattled to a close .
14 And she went to the front door and knocked , and a little bent-up man appeared … ’
15 Returning to the kitchen she heard the sound of a horse and cart in Celtic Crescent and she went to the front door to look out .
16 She went to the back door and opened it .
17 She leaned against the wooden door of the orchard , which Léonie had left slightly ajar , and put a hand to the stitch in her side .
18 Fighting back shocked tears , she ran to the front door .
19 She stood outside the back door for a moment .
20 She stood in the open door , fists up on either side of her head , banging it , banging it hard , and wailing , " No , no , no , oh no …
21 She sat on the back door step , in the morning sunshine , bare feet on William 's fawn and white belly , aimlessly pulling at his soft ears .
22 Unless she comes to the front door , and follows you down the path ; or comes to the back door and follows you into the garden .
23 She hurried to the front door , glaring at the man who stood on the step .
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