Example sentences of "but it [vb mod] be argued that " in BNC.

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1 But it may be argued that ‘ conduct ’ includes the circumstances in which the conduct takes place , including such matters as the time of day or night in addition to the ferocity of the attack .
2 Mr Harold Macmillan was admittedly fortified by an informal poll of Conservative members and notables , but it may be argued that he should not have been the sole fountainhead of advice , if it is indeed a constitutional principle that a retiring Prime Minister has no special title or status to advise on the choice of his successor .
3 though David Holbrook ( 1973 ) , for one , would not agree — are the Narnia books of C.S. Lewis , but it might be argued that the story told allegorically in The lion , the witch and the wardrobe was told much more successfully in The Bible .
4 But it could be argued that the policy of spending on bases rather than on troops has paid off since Saudi Arabia has been able to accommodate , with astonishing ease , a multinational army 20 times the size of its own .
5 Wax as a modelling medium does certainly have the advantage of making sharp and fine decoration possible , but it could be argued that fine clay , at the right degree of plasticity , is more useful .
6 The bibliography is extensive with over a thousand entries , but it could be argued that it is a little haphazard .
7 Clearly , an LEA has an obligation in the words of a recent Audit Commission report ( Audit Commission 1989a ) to ‘ articulate a vision of what the education service is trying to achieve ’ and to ‘ support schools and help them to fulfil this vision ’ , but it could be argued that the most appropriate focus for such a vision , necessarily generalized because of the range of institutional contexts and pupil needs involved , should be on identifying broad goals and the kinds of learning which schools might seek to promote .
8 In theory , Parliament is the supreme legislative authority in the United Kingdom , but it could be argued that real power , as opposed to authority , is located elsewhere in the hands of the Cabinet or Prime Minister or leaders of industry .
9 He found an excessive weighting towards popularized science in the citations he studied , but it could be argued that his sample was too small , or was otherwise unrepresentative .
10 But it could be argued that she has been placed in a high turn-over establishment because she possesses an authoritarian style of leadership .
11 Responsibility lies with the SROs , but it could be argued that they have insufficient resources to carry out this role , and should merely be ombudsmen ( although there is also some doubt as to their ability to act in this limited capacity given their degree of underfunding ) .
12 The justice meted out in children 's games ( like that on the screen ) may be rough and ready , but it can be argued that ‘ violent play ’ is by no means all negative .
13 It still represents a cost to the Exchequer and a loss of potential output , but it can be argued that it is not particularly distressing to the people concerned and , for the economy as a whole , it may actually result in a more efficient use of labour : this is because high short-run unemployment may be a reflection of greater mobility of labour between jobs and areas and consequently may result in the labour force being more suitably and productively employed .
14 But it can be argued that this will not give a quick cash flow fix at present due to the difficulty of disposing of a lease .
15 Their own proposals for reform are aimed at restructuring the British press but it can be argued that even they fail to come to grips with the sort of major ‘ shortcomings ’ of the press ( and media ) identified above .
16 Goldthorpe has argued that this justifies studying only male mobility , but it can be argued that women 's occupational position and chances are both important sociologically , and important to women and their families .
17 The introduction of life peerages was partly designed to broaden the base of membership but it can be argued that life peers have not made as large a contribution to the work of the House as had been hoped .
18 McLuhan lambasted the print media for encouraging linear thinking , but it can be argued that this way of thought brought to mankind very substantial benefits which one is not confident would be matched by the uncriticized new tribalism .
19 They are good educative examples of the search process , but it can be argued that they have little to do with practical intelligence .
20 But it can be argued that we should not view rights in this way , and that when their use has adverse effects on third parties , rights should not be treated as signifying a moral entitlement in the right-holder to bring about those effects .
21 But it can be argued that marketing has a significant role within any social work agency .
22 The end-of-the-year demonstrations appeared to be caused by ‘ racial ’ conflict between Chinese and African students , but it will be argued that these were once again expressions of the Chinese students ' general discontent and disappointment after ten years of reform .
23 When we look at the normalisation movement we can see that it has implications for professional approaches , but it will be argued that the concept itself has been open to more than one interpretation leading to differential impact on professional practice .
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