Example sentences of "but [prep] least [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Two ideas over-large for reconciliation are fronting each other now , and there 'll be no peace until there 's been — no , ’ he checked himself , ‘ I wo n't say a settlement , but at least a temporary losing and winning that shall silence us both until we get our breath for the next bout .
2 But that , that 's just one little part of it but and because there 's been a lot of quite worldwide travel of young people , not perhaps on a massive scale , but at least the young people of each country are more thinking more of them
3 ( 2 ) Provide the Chairman with a note for each item of business , giving him the previous history of the discussion and indicating not the decision but at least the possible decisions that might emerge from the current meeting .
4 It may be that it is those least disposed to commit suicide who join the cult in the first place , but at least the systematic comparison of variables has led to the question being raised .
5 But at least the new developments should ease the diplomatic impasse that has kept relations between Japan and the Soviet Union frozen for 46 years .
6 But at least the new examination seems to offer greater scope for teachers to develop programmes of work in which the internal and external assessments can be seen by the pupils to be interrelated in a more purposeful way .
7 the same can not be said today but at least the other conditions still apply .
8 Their regimes may have been impoverished by the emphasis on security and restrictions on movement within the prison , but at least the physical settings avoided the squalor and overcrowding which worsened in the local prisons .
9 Like SuperCalc these are n't pictorial in content , but at least the shadowed button look makes them appear as if you should click then with a mouse — which is more than can be said for either of the other two packages .
10 But at least the enforced postponement saved the Germans from setting off yet another attack at half-cock .
11 But at least the white lie had got her out of her moment of confusion .
12 Of course , Atari has not cut the price of its ST micro for two years , but at least the raw 520ST-FM has a powerful 16/32-bit Motorola 68000 processor , 512K of memory , upgraded 720K disc drive and a mouse .
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