Example sentences of "'s ability [to-vb] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Several leading Australian rugby identities have raised doubts about South Africa 's ability to stage the 1995 World Cup .
2 What it 's got to do with the comrade 's ability to join the Labour Party I 'm not absolutely sure , perhaps someone can tell me afterwards .
3 The most obvious test of television 's ability to set the public agenda was provided by its massive shift of emphasis on to defence in the third week of the campaign .
4 John Major 's declaration that the Princess of Wales can still be queen despite the failure of her marriage proved Diana 's ability to manoeuvre the Royal Family to suit herself .
5 CambsTEC in Cambridge says : ’ Over recent months , CambsTEC has become increasingly concerned about Youth Training 's ability to meet the increasing demands placed upon it , due to the limited employment opportunities presently available to young people . ’
6 Not only does this constrain Britain 's ability to win the internal-trade argument , it makes her position less than dominant on the question of Europe 's attitude to the development of trade with third countries .
7 For without Shas , Mr Rabin 's ability to deliver the territorial compromise upon which a peace would be based could be fatally weakened .
8 Irritating though it was to admit it , there was little doubt that Rune Christensen 's ability to handle the whole situation between Svend and Suzie would be superior to her own .
9 He mistrusts television 's ability to handle the empty spaces that he loves so much on stage , and that 's mistrusting the viewer 's imagination-an error he also made in his Carmen triptych for Channel 4 .
10 Noblenet is currently negotiating with Sun Microsystems Inc and Hewlett-Packard Co and believes their interest in EZ-RPC lies in the product 's ability to rejuvenate the ageing network topologies the two still have , respectively the Open Networking Computing and Network Computing System environments .
11 This would help to explain Scott 's ability to produce the vast quantity of work displayed in the House of Commons and still carry on with his normal office work .
12 Reception staff at hotels are often instructed that where they feel cautious about a prospective guest 's ability to pay the final bill , payment shall be requested in advance .
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